I’m 17 male and in good shape however recently I noticed that I completely lost my sex drive and have no clue why. I haven’t genuinely felt horny or jerked off in a month and I couldn’t get hard for sex a couple weeks ago even though I wanted to. How do I fix this. I haven’t made any changes in diet or lifestyle and workout 5 times a week. Before a month ago I’d say I felt a regular amount of sex drive but for some reason I just can’t seem to find sex appealing even though I want to have it. What do I do???

  1. Get some blood work done. Thyroid / hormone levels, etc. A good doc will know the tests to order.

    I’ve gone through periods in my life where I am insatiably horny, and others where I don’t masturbate or think about sex much at all. Although a 17 year old completely going flat overnight does raise an eyebrow.

    Start with blood work.

    How are your energy levels, general motivation, and health otherwise?

    Also make sure you give yourself enough recovery time from the gym. Over working your body and not giving it time to heal could be doing a number on your system. Source: Formerly a competitive power lifter.

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