What is the”the thing” that your otherwise capable, intelligent partner does/thinks and you just cannot understand?

  1. He finishes the toilet paper. He replaces the roll. The cardboard tube, tho, stays in the bathroom. Sometimes i find it on the radiator, or on a shelf. We even have a thrash bin in the bathroom, but it never makes it there.

  2. Uses the microwave weird. He’ll put it on like 22:22 then just work his way down. I asked him why he does it one time and he said pressing the actual time in for each item is a waste of time and energy

    I can add so much to this. It was hard to choose. Its cute tho.

  3. There’s actually quite a lot of things about him that I don’t understand, just due to the fact that our brains work differently. He’s very extroverted and never has any issue talking to new people and just extrudes confidence while giving a presentation. Meanwhile his adhd gives him concentration problems, and he struggles a lot with with written exams and reading books and papers because of that. He also struggles with remembering appointments and remembering where he put things.

    Meanwhile my introverted self has always loved reading books and I’m usually pretty good at written exams. But I also could only do a presentation if I’ve rehersed it 20 times and would still be shaking and sweating the whole time I’m speaking. So hearing him say things like “don’t worry, this exam is oral; they’re a lot easier,” never made any sense to me.

  4. There are at least three open, half-drank water bottles or seltzer cans at any given time in his vicinity.

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