Life is easy if we learn the lesson. What’s the best lesson you have learnt in the game of life?

  1. Life is like a game of cards. You can either sit there and gripe about the hand you were given, or learn how to play and win with the cards you were dealt

  2. 1.) My father always told me to wait until I was north of 30 to start having kids and to enjoy my 20s without that kind of responsibility – easily the best advice he ever gave me!

    2.) Never ignore red flags in potential life partners. They can and will bite you on the ass – had to learn that one the hard way!

  3. Telling people in authority whatever it is they want to hear rather than picking fights just because you’re right simplifies a lot of potential conflicts.

  4. Don’t have kids if you don’t want to. Millions of men from the silent generation and baby boomers would have been much happier if they hadn’t had kids.

  5. You don’t learn much, if anything, from doing things right all the time. Mistakes are required to learn and grow. You can learn from other people’s mistakes, but mistakes should be made by someone.

  6. You will rarely regret trying new things and experiences, so say yes when presented with the opportunity, generally the worst case scenario is you leave thinking “yeah prolly won’t do that again”

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