Hi! long time lurker and I just got into a relationship 3 months back. It’s the first time I’ve been so physically close with a bf and I’m learning so many things about my body. My body is generally ticklish but when my bf touches me, I wish I had more control over myself. For ex, my side boob/under arm area is so freaking sensitive so when we makeout and he touches there, I can’t help but moan. It’s honestly pretty embarrassing because WHO TF moans from just that- I have literally never heard of it. My bf literally touched my upper thighs/crease near my butt and I almost kicked him out of reflexes because it felt good but omg it’s tooo sensitive. Neck/chest – huge weak spot too

I know my bf likes it (obviously) but how can I get over feeling bad about being this easy to please. It sometimes makes me feel like I’m coming across as desperate/overacting if that makes sense?

  1. I understand you being uncomfortable about it. But it’s not all bad if you know what I mean.

  2. Male here, my body’s also pretty sensitive in ways I hadn’t expected. As long as you reactions are genuine, your man should enjoy them. Outside of that, don’t be too in your head about it. Your body reacts best to what it likes, don’t deny yourself of pleasure.

  3. Sex is…. sort of silly and gross and embarrassing always isn’t it?

    Like you gotta embrace the goofiness of it all and just enjoy the feelings and the pleasure of knowing you are turning your partner on.

  4. Two things. One, generally over time you will become more habituated to things that might seem overwhelming now (ticklish). The other is that highly sensitive women are an absolute treasure to those of us who are pleasers. My partner is super sensitive, and I adore it. I think of her as being like an amped up electric guitar, while previous lovers were acoustic. Same general mechanics as the others, but just so much more responsive and amplified.

    Don’t you dare feel ashamed; you’re a miracle.

  5. That is GREAT. Im the same way.
    My boyfriend touches my neck, thighs, ribs, hips I will moan and tremble with pleasure. He could probably get me off just from kissing my hips.

    This isn’t a bad thing. If you’re embarrassed/worried about it, talk to your boyfriend about it and explain to him.

  6. Don’t feel bad about being too “easy” to please. How is that a bad thing? Lol. Maybe you’re thinking you need to play harder to get? Is this some internal thing you taught yourself is bad? It’s okay to be bashful, but don’t feel ashamed or embarrassed with your body or reactions. Your body is your vessel, and it is capable of so much pleasure!

    Anyway, as you get touched more you might get more accustomed to it and less hypersensitive. But being so sensitive also means your bf needs to go nice and slow, tease you, and have your mind and body expect his touch. For example, if he’s going for your boob he should start from somewhere less sensitive, like your shoulders or waist, and then slide his hands slowly over.

    As long as the sensitivity is not painful or uncomfortable, I would consider this a good thing and cherish it. Don’t numb yourself for the sake of expectations of what other people are like. And as for overacting, just communicate with your bf that you’re very sensitive and this is all new to you, so it causes you to be very vocal and excited.

  7. I get it. My legs shake really easily when I’m turned on, and I once just started dating a guy, and we were starting to makeout pretty heavily, and my legs shook a little so he pulled away and asked very seriously if I was okay and I was super embarrassed but also super turned on and I was like “yeah I’m good” smiling and blushing, and then he smiled back and I think he got the hint.

    Granted that was the only time I was really embarrassed about it, because he was genuinely worried about me for a second, and this was like date 3. Anyway, for me I know how much I loveeee guys moaning/grunting and in other ways reacting to me, that I can only imagine how much guys like my legs shaking. Also I’ve gotten compliments on it. Might be worth talking to him about how your embarrassed and he might be willing to incorporate it into dirty talk.

  8. Embrace it. Enjoy it. There is something there. It’s not common per se.
    It may be that in a different combination you wouldn’t have the same experience. I didn’t meet and collide with my ex wife until I was 29.
    It was literally like nothing either of us had ever experienced, and it ending after 14 years I have to be careful with setting proper personal expectations in the future when I get back out there.
    It was the kind of thing where even some female friends couldn’t believe it and thought I was embellishing and or my ex was faking.

    It can be a heady thing though. Because if you get complacent when you don’t have that reaction, and it’s reasonable, try not to read into it too much.

    Have fun!!! (And be safe).

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