I was at a party recently. This girl my 2 friends and I were talking was pretty attractive. I left in order for the 2 of them to try and talk to her but it seemed like she wanted me. What should I do in this scenario?

  1. Nothing u can do without embarrassing urself. Girls dont like settling so unless ur willing to make a total ass of urself tell them to move on.

  2. This is something I wish my friends and I had addressed much earlier. If you are the more attractive guy to women in your friend group, you can’t wingman. The girls are going to flock to you because you are that much more charismatic or attractive for whatever reason. My friends and I tried this a lot, and every time the more attractive guy would pull the girl and we would be relegated to background noise. The best thing you can do is remove yourself from the situation before it begins and let your friend represent themselves solo. They’ll probably fail a lot, but they’ll improve with experience and as they grow their confidence.

    Even when I was at my peak attractiveness, with no problem getting dates, I would completely lose that “luck” if I was out with one particular friend. I simply couldn’t outcompete some taller, skinny, fuckboy with a baritone voice. Remove him from the situation and suddenly I had a much better chance.

    You may not believe your the attractive one amongst your boys, but if you’re the only one getting the girls, then you are. It’s great you want to help your friends, but sometimes the best way to help is by simply not being competition.

  3. In that situation your homies should have read the room and pulled back. Since it’s clear she wanted you, they should have became your wingman. Or they could have left you two alone after a few minutes of conversation. Situations like these show why it’s important to have homes that have social skills.

    In this situation op the dynamics should have flipped. You have to call an “audible” aka a change of plans. If we’re playing football and the coach called a halfback dive up the middle. But you noticed the defense has nine guys in the box. The smart thing would be to call an audible. Change up the play so you don’t get fucked up.

    Same thing applies when meeting women while out. You might have had a plan before, but the defense forced you to switch things up. It’s important to have “game sense”. If you played sports you know what game sense is. If you play esports titles then you also know what game sense is.

  4. Being a good wingman is actually pretty simple. All you really need to do is get your friend talking with the girl he’s interested in. It shouldn’t take more than one sentence. My go-to was the old How I Met Your Mother “Have you met Ted?” bit (surprisingly effective). If she’s with a friend, you talk up her friend and let your friend do his thing.

    Biggest mistake you can make is sticking around too long in their conversation. I had a roommate who would claim to be a great wingman, but in reality would take over the conversation and not let you (or the girl) get a single word in. Just get them talking and leave- anything after that is up to your friend to seal the deal.

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