I met my best friend 3 years ago and recently I feel like we are having some issues. I feel like we are becoming more distant as time passes. I would ask if she wanna call or play games but she’s always too tired or just ghost me until the next day. Knowing her, she always sleeps at around 12am staying late on her phone or iPad. I would always respond to whenever she asks if we want to game or call, even if that meant that I had to hurry everything I’m doing just to play with her cause I enjoy her company. Usually that also ends up with canceling last minute. She would always love to ask if we wanna call or play before, but cancel on me last minute cause she “doesnt feel like it” or “too tired”. I’m really sick of this behavior but she’s my best friend so I don’t comment anything about it and just say “that’s fine” and just spend that extra time I created on tik tok or playing alone. Her parents are strict and she knows that too. Whenever our friend group decides and plans something we would invite everyone and offer rides to people who need them. She would claim at times that she was never invited even if I sent a screen shot showing that she did respond to the message. She would expect someone to go to the location (which is 30 minutes away) then come back just to pick her up and drive back 30 more minutes just to eat. Whenever she isn’t invited she loves to be salty and asks to why I didn’t pick something up for her or get anything for her when she never stated anything.

I love my best friend dearly, but this behavior is getting on my last nerves but I don’t wanna ruin our friendship. So what should I do?

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