I’m wondering having a bulge that show in certain types of pants mean you have a big penis? I’ve been wondering that because I seen a post where it says men who have a bulge has a small penis and men with bigger penis doesn’t really have a bulge. I’m wondering do men that have a bulge doesn’t have a really big penis? I’ve been getting insecure about it and I’m wondering can anyone answer this or not?

P.s I’m very insecure about seeing it because most girls want a bigger one:/ and im wondering do they?

  1. Not necessarily. I’m a pretty big size, and yet I’m a grower. So I’m not walking around with a full on bulge 24/7. I like it better that way, it’s out of then way when it’s not necessary.

    That being said, if I’m actually turned on and excited, my bulge will absolutely show and it’s pretty obvious. This is true in both every day clothing, and clothing worn specifically to “extenuate” my features.

  2. Well I’m assuming you’re talking about light grey jogging pants………… in which case it’s more about the outline than the bulge.

  3. So many variables. Underwear style and fit, pants fit, size of balls, and especially whether or not someone is a grower or shower. Some people are pretty much the same size flaccid as erect, just hard. On the other hand, other people, like me, grow significantly.

  4. I have a larger bulge but most of it is balls. I’m a grower so most of it is actually hiding when I’m soft.

    Anyway you’re way overthinking this

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