As it’s my question, we will use the NFL rules on down by contact. You are down if anything but your hand or feet touches the ground.

  1. April 28, 2022. Roller rink testing new skates. Got over confident, grazed the wheels and face planted. Bent two teeth beck and bruised for weeks.

  2. I was making fun of my clumsy teen. I fake-stumbled in a parking lot, and legit tripped over a parking block and ate it, in front of my wife and all my kids. That was 2020, just before the lockdown. I’ve been a little more humble since then.

  3. Uh…like a week ago? A few days, maybe? Kids, dogs and associated toys underfoot and I wasn’t exactly graceful before worrying about that. It happens.

  4. Slipped on the ice on my front porch a few months ago. Though I broke my arm.

  5. Properly, at Longleat last summer went over a just below knee height rope, worst winding I’ve ever had, was useless for about 5 minutes. Light headed hot and clammy etc.

  6. 8 months ago trying to teach my kid how to skateboard. I’m 46 and not nearly as coordinated as I used to be. Tried showing off how easy it is and ate shit so hard I bruised my hip and sprained my ankle and wrist I was out of commission for weeks. And freaked him out about falling so bad he still doesn’t want to try to learn.

  7. Christmas 2016

    Stands out in my mind very clearly because I was recovering from knee surgery after repairing my quad, tripped on a ledge while walking into my sister’s house carrying presents, and everyone had a heart attack thinking that I might have fucked up my knee.

  8. Two hours ago. Currently in A&E with a fractured collar bones and eye socket.

  9. I don’t remember. Either because I was drunk enough to fall down, or because it was over 30 years ago when I was a kid.

  10. Last Friday. Dove into the mosh pit. Didn’t plant my feet. Got right but up ajd into the fray

  11. February. Went to open the door on my truck to go to work, slipped on ice and I seemingly went from vertical to horizontal in 0.001 seconds.

    I just lay there, flat on my back and staring at the sky, for a good 2-3 minutes.

  12. Well my wife fell about two months ago, slipped on some stray paper while carrying freshly melted butter. Busted her ass, barely spilled any butter. We laughed just a minute or two later. “Save yourself, not the butter!”

    As for me, I got tripped by a cat. She decided to run under my foot just as I was going to sit down. I still hit the couch but it was NOT graceful, and it still didn’t feel good.

  13. Last week. I have chronic ankle instability that strikes at will. Walking home from work, ankle turned for no reason. I went arse over tit (no additional injuries because I know how to take a fall) ended up on my back staring up at the sky. Three people looked me in the eye and just carried on with their day, fourth was a nice girl who came over to see if I was alright. Took a little more of my faith in human kindness from me. Now strapped up for the foreseeable.

  14. Walking down the street to grab some groceries at a small local store. Scuffed my foot on an uneven bit of pavement, fell & scraped my knees and hands. I turned back and went home to rest it off for a bit, was kinda sore for half an hour.

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