This may be a weird question but…I don’t think I’m that kind. I know this isn’t necessarily a bad thing but I feel that it’s a little off that almost everyone I meet say that to me. I usually just do whatever that seems “right” to say or do depending on what the person is doing but for some reason they feel that is kindness although I just do it in a more…objective way?

For example, if they’re ranting about something, I’ll just listen to them, try to emphasize with them, maybe come up with a solution if I can, then encourage them. But isn’t this what everyone should be doing, socially speaking?

When I see the word “kind”, I sort of think about that a person will go above and beyond to help others even if it’s outside of their capacity…but I may have perceive the word wrongly.

Thank you.

1 comment
  1. Not a bad thing. As long as you’re not agreeing to things you’re not comfortable with just to continue to be seen as “kind”

    In which case that would fall into the people pleasing category which can be detrimental to self. But That doesn’t sound like that’s what it is so I wouldn’t worry about it

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