So, I’ve been texting this girl for the past month. Everything seemed fine (we had great conversations, she genuinely seemed interested, even initiated text a few times and replied to all my instagramml stories) until now. Now she doesn’t initiate text and isn’t as active with me on instagram messages as before.
She thought we should go get some ice crem but when i asked her out she said she was very busy all week and would keep me updated. Should I keep on texting her now or wait for her? I really like and I just don’t want to mess it up if she’s into me, but also don’t want to get my hopes up if she isn’t, if you know what I mean.

  1. Very busy this week or the last one?

    She’s stressed, give her she space she needs.

  2. Hard to say but my gut feeling says that she met someone else. You’re the backup option in case the other guy doesn’t work out. That’s why she said: “…would keep you updated”

    She saying ‘we should go get some ice cream’ is to make you believe she’s interested in you.

    Think about it. When you ask her out for ice cream she then said she was busy? Doesn’t seem sus to you?

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