I \[21M\] naturally speak with a more nasally, higher pitched voice as a man. As a example, I’ve been told my voice and delivery sound like [this character](https://youtu.be/7iAWtkOMx0Q?t=25). I’m also a shorter guy (5’6”) and I have a pretty thin frame, so pairing this with my voice, people just assume I’m younger. Most of my friends have a ‘feminine’ way of speaking (in spoken and physical delivery), so I naturally mirror this.

In many social spaces I’m in, men usually speak more stereotypically ‘masculine’. It makes me feel like its harder to connect with people because I don’t align with the social norms of how a man at my age presents himself.

Any thoughts, tips, advice, or resources that helped you? Thanks!

  1. If thats how you naturally speak then theres nothing you can do about it other than forcing a deeper voice. Just be authentic.

  2. Yeah like some have said voice training is an option.

    But Id like to say that it is just a normal thing.

    My voice isnt quite like that but I can clearly tell my voice sounds way more manly when Im serious. Yknow, when im mad or really thinking about my next words. Or when Im speaking in English instead of my first language.

    Another things I have is that im just naturally flamboyant. Dont ask me why. Just how I act. I have been hit on by way too many dudes despite being a straight guy, but i just laugh it off.

    One guy I love on youtube has one of the biggest gaps between voice and body Ive ever seen. Greg Doucette, this dude is literally a bodybuilder, has records and everything, but the first time you see his video you just go ‘wtf is this? Does he really speak like that?’

    He has shown that he can speak with a way more manly voice, but he doesnt bother going out of his way for that. And he doesnt need to cuz he is hilarious and has the credentials to back him up.

    Im not gonna say your voice sounding like that doesnt matter, that you are imagining that it is a factor. But just remember that other than changing your voice, you can just compensate for it by being awesome in another area.

  3. You speak like a man, when you stop caring about those stereotypes. Your voice and your way of speaking doesn’t make you any less of a man and whoever says otherwise has psychological issues like repressed homosexuality or the like.

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