Men without children, when was the last time you had a conversation with or even spoke to a child?

  1. Like 5 minutes ago. Niece and nephew have a deadbeat dad so I’m the father figure.


  2. Plenty of mates with kids, talk to them whenever I see them. Last time was 3 days ago.

  3. A few years ago I was a ticket taker for an event at the church I was going to and a kid asked me a bunch of questions about… something, I can’t remember what. She was really curious about something and I tried to answer all her questions to the best of my ability and a friend of mine was across the room trying his best not to laugh.

    So yeah, about four years ago or so. It doesn’t come up very often.

  4. Couple weeks ago. Spoke to some friend of a friend’s kid at a party

  5. It’s been a while, can’t remember. Within the last year for sure.

  6. I waved to some young kids playing in a yard and said “Hi!” while walking my dog earlier

  7. I guess Christmas. My gal pal and I were throwing a Christmas party at her house, and her kids were helping to set up. They were painfully shy, so I kept the chit chat to a minimum, but I spoke to them more than usual. I’ve been around my friends’ kids at the symphony and at a dinner parties afterwards, but I normally completely ignore children.

  8. I had to accompany a 4 year old girl on the chairlift while skiing to get her to her instructor.

    She was having a blast. Was cool to chat.

  9. This last weekend. My nieces and nephew came with me on a trip to a Renaissance Faire.

  10. Years. My work doesn’t require it, & I construct my private life in such a way as to minimize my contact with children.

  11. My nephews live next door. I have friends with kids that I see pretty regularly. Just because we don’t have/want kids doesn’t mean we don’t enjoy their company from time to time, we just want our time in their company to have time restrictions.

  12. Well, if i did not go to my aunt’s house yesterday for memorial weekend, i would not have seen her grandson that’s 2 years old. Before yesterday, the last time i spoke with a child was thanksgiving, with the same child. Before thanksgiving was 2021. Damn, i speak with one minor once a year then.

  13. Years I think

    Why? Have they changed? Do I need the latest Dad in training update?

  14. Last week, my cousin (not sure what her age is – five or six, maybe?)

    …If I hadn’t been certain I don’t want kids after my sister, I’d be certain now. The little shit *exists* at a volume that is physically painful when I’m in another room.

  15. Basically never. I have a couple nieces but they’re both a state away. I have a friend who has a couple kids but when I go to his house it’s typically late and he’s trying to get them in bed. Other than random questions I don’t really talk to them.

    For me, kids are these little people I see running through the neighborhood that I have to do my best to avoid hitting when they run into the road.

  16. Maybe a year or so ago when I visited a friend with kids. I’ve known the kid her whole life, all 5 years, so it’s nice to see her grow up.

    I now live in a different country, and I don’t interact with any families.

  17. Every other day pretty much, I have 2 nephews that are 5 and 8. My sister lives 5 minutes from me, so I always stop by as often as I can to hang out with them.

    They love sports, Legos, Star Wars, and Super Mario. So, it’s always a blast when I’m with them, because I can share the excitement with them as these are things I grew up loving myself.

  18. I guess this is me? Well, I talked to one of my brothers a couple of minutes ago. If you mean a kid I’m not related to, there was a girl at a park that was helping my and previously established brother look for a ball he throw in a bush. That’s was the 29th of this month.

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