What’s the greatest moment of karma you’ve ever witnessed?

  1. I had an awful, good ole boys club boss one time, HSA of a prison medical department. Just took care of herself and her friends. She was entirely incapable of working in her role and all that shit rolled down hill.

    I was one time denied a day off because my manager hadn’t finished her work (was too busy just roaming around) and I hadn’t stepped in to do it.

    This boss got demoted from director. Reassigned to the shittiest shift as a floor nurse. Right next to the nurses she had been fucking over for months.

    She lasted a few weeks.

    She was making over $100,000/year of taxpayer money to be entirely incompetent.

  2. When I worked at a call center a guy was my boss’s boss. His name was “Guy” (it wasn’t I changed it” Well Guy thought only young pretty women mattered. He only said hi or talked to young pretty women when he came in for the day. So he would intentionally skip any old, or what he deemed as “unattractive.” He would grab these women’s waists and use his arm to trap them in a cubicle desk that was about 3 cubic feet big. He’d smile and laugh with these women but whenever an older woman or anyone else would come up to him to ask him a question he would immediately drop any emotion (like robotic actually) and answer it then go back to harassing the other women. He was friends with the other most disgusting guy in the call center who also regularly harassed women, Otto. No one ever spoke up because these were our bosses boss and no one wanted to mess with that. So the call center shut down, probably due to their incompetence, idk, and after that everyone was scrambling for a job when unemployment ran out. (Guy fired me a few months before it shut down so I was already established at another call center, Otto worked here as well, same title ) So when my Site Director announced she was leaving and searching for her replacement she offered to take names from the higher ups (Otto) to interview. Otto always puts on a show to make it look like he’s a good guy so she trusted him and considered the name he said. Lo and behold it’s Guy. I see Guy for his interview and my stomach turns. Guy and Otto are already talking to each other like Guy has the job. “You excited to start bro?!” 🤮 I wait till the next day to make absolutely sure Guy isn’t in the building and I recruit some of the other ladies from my old call center to form a group and we all went to the Site Director and talked to her and told her all about Guy and what he cares about and does. How he behaved, everything. She thanked us and we left. When she left we saw our new Site Director and it wasn’t Guy. Otto was visibly pissed. He actually came up to me and quietly but aggressively said “I know what you did”

    I knew what I did too. I was there lol. But I was happy to see Guy got what he deserved. Even tho I knew I wasn’t going to be at that call center for very long, I couldn’t stand the thought of him being there, in an even higher position, with an office that had a door that closed. (his other office didn’t) I couldn’t stand the thought of him being able to harass other women one after the other, back to back, every day. So I like to think I was his Karma

  3. I didn’t witness this in real time, but I still got a good laugh nonetheless.

    In high school, I very briefly worked at a restaurant until it went under new management. I believe the old owner was moving or retiring and decided to sell. The new owner was a pompous and smug know-it-all who forced everyone to “reapply” for their own jobs, chose not to “rehire” anyone (including a manager who’d been there for over ten years), and instead hired his family members, who had no restaurant experience whatsoever. He didn’t communicate this to anyone, he just waited for us to come in for our scheduled shifts to his family members working in our place to smugly tell us that we didn’t have jobs anymore. I was so livid at the time, but had no recourse that I was aware of. I found another job a few weeks later, moved away a couple of years later, and pretty much forgot about it.

    Some time later, I’m back in the area visiting family and going to a bridal store with my bridesmaids for their dresses. The bridal store was in the same shopping center as that restaurant I briefly worked at and I saw it for the first time in years. It was empty, decrepit, inside in disarray, letters falling off the sign, and just had the look of long, LONG being out of business.

    I had a good laugh and couldn’t help but think that it was some kind of karma for firing an entire staff of experienced workers and being so damn smug about it. Sucks to suck.

  4. I was in a group of people walking up 2nd Ave in Seattle. Bicycles are really big there and I feel like the city’s pretty well set for them, lanes and everything. We stopped at a light that doesn’t actually get a lot of traffic coming down it, but that day there was a big SUV there indicating right. A cyclist blazed right through without stopping and most of us muttered imprecations, as one does.

    The unmarked police car turned on its flashers, raced after him, and pulled the cyclist over up the street. We all cheered.

  5. My coworker who is from Eastern Europe is a misogynist and always makes fun of female drivers. Says women can’t drive worth a shit, etc.

    Well, a few months ago he got into a fender bender with the company truck and it’s hilarious to me.

  6. When Andrew Tate got arrested because he couldn’t stop himself from sending angry tweets to Greta Thunberg.

    (He already had a warrant; he was arrested when his video included a pizza box from a local place, so they found him that way)

  7. Ok so it’s possible I’ll get downvoted for this as it’s awful, but here goes. My mom was a horrible mother and did *literally* everything in her power to make me her son despite being afab. Lasted 18 years. She recently got thyroid cancer and has had a slew of health issues the last year or so. It is easily treatable but I have no sympathy because I feel like it’s the universe paying out karma where karma is due.

  8. Driving down a two lane country road that is 55pmh. Guy in front of me is going anywhere between 43 and 50. I am following at a safe distance, annoyed but cant pass because of oncoming traffic. Suddenly some asshat gets right on my bumper, so close I cant even see the hood of his car. He continues to ride it the eight miles to town, right before town there is a cop car entering the road from a parking lot, guy in front of me slows even more down to 39mph, guy behind me is practically dry humping my car at this point, all three of us pass the cop, who sees the tailgater and blue lights him. I was so happy!!!

  9. I was driving on the freeway and a guy in a hot rod was tailgating me despite the fact that I was in the far right lane. He got mad, whipped around me, got in front of me and brake checked me. I had my two kids (one still a baby) in the car so I just slowed way down and let him get ahead of me. When I got to the off ramp, he was on the shoulder, pulled over by the state patrol. You best believe I rolled my window down and said “na na na na na!”

  10. I went to a Rolling Stones concert with a tour bus and my parents brought me to the pick up place and when I stepped in the bus, I sat behind an old woman and her daughter and then she started making fun of my mom and telling her daughter how weird she looked and gave me nasty looks when she found out I was that woman’s daughter she was making fun of.

    After the concert I noticed she and her daughter did not came back and then the bus driver said they didn’t came back because they’ve ordered their tickets from marktplaats.nl (which is a Dutch version of eBay) and the tickets were not valid at the entrance so they never got in at the concert and went home by themselves crying.

    I’ve never laughed so hard at something I shouldn’t laugh about..

  11. My awful emotionally abusive ex was yelling at me for no good reason. He stormed off and fell down the stairs.

    The one and only time I’ve laughed at someone who could have been hurt.

  12. 1. My cousins were real assh*les to me and my siblings growing up. They’d always put us down and insult us, making us feel bad about ourselves. Now, they’ve both been arrested multiple times and lie about what they do in their “careers” to hide the fact that they didn’t mount to much. One of them even lied to me saying they went to the same college as me but that was a total lie lmao
    2. Majority of the “popular” kids I went to high school with who acted like they were better than everyone ended up doing nothing as well. They still live in our hometown and had kids right out of high school.

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