How do you deal with a MIL that you don’t like?

  1. If you love your partner and her relationship with her mother is important together, you shut up and grin and bear it because her happiness is more important than you not liking someone.

  2. I don’t recommend this, but I used to pay her off. It kept her happy and away.

  3. You deal with it… By staying low contact/polite minimum

    You SO love her mother ? Just try to be polite and simply wait until the storm passes… Your SO happines is prioritary here…

    Your SO hates her ? Good

  4. I called her a cunt and we proceeded to ignore each other for the next 24 years. Your results may vary.

  5. Thankfully, don’t have that issue, but the best approach is to treat them like a mildly annoying coworker. Speak to them when necessary, and only about the issue at hand. Don’t go out of your way for anything else.

  6. I had a gf who had a mom that I didn’t like. She almost broke up with me for it, but I explained my reasoning and she accepted it but was pretty bummed out I didn’t like her. Knowing I didn’t like her mom, she would be careful not to put us around each other.

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