We dated 2 months towards the end of last year but we were more of a fwb situationship despite her parents wanting us to get closer and treating us as a couple. She was my first gf so i got far more attached than she did and eventually she ended it to her parents disappointment but she also said she didn’t know how i would ever get another gf again. Maybe i was putting too much effort driving 3 hours to see her twice a week and it turned her off? Now its been 6 months and she is posting about her new boyfriend and i am still single and looking. I feel the best way to meet a girl and gain her trust is to simply be introduced to her by another girl and frankly i don’t have any other girls in my life besides her. It was her sister who i worked with that introduced me to her in the first place. And she did have her friend reach out to me to flirt but the breakup was still fresh and i didn’t respond well and frankly wasn’t attracted to her. Now she said before that if i ever needed any girl advice i could reach out to her as a friend so even though she’s an ex its tempting to just reach out and see if she has any single friends she’d think would be a good match for me. Plus she knows me very well and matchmaked her cousin to his current gf so it kind of sounds like a decent idea on paper. How should i go about this and her offer? Do you think she would lose respect for me?

I just find meeting girls and approaching them as a total stranger to be incredibly difficult. Bars and clubs usually just lead to one night stands and not much else. Dating apps are far too competitive to be worth the effort imo and i am currently doing uber as a job so i don’t have any female coworkers to befriend.

  1. This seems like a really bad idea for more than one reason. But let’s keep it simple. She dumped you. She made the unnecessary and rather savage remark that she doesn’t “know how [you] would ever get another gf again.” And now she’s rubbing her new boyfriend in your face to remind you what a loser she thinks you are.

    She’s poison, she’s not your friend, and she’s not going to do any favors for you. She already demonstrated she is capable of fixing you up with someone you won’t find attractive. Do you think that was an accident? Cut off contact. She is dragging you down and knows it.

    You will find someone on your own soon enough. Practice having some self-confidence, too. Get a self-help book on the subject. Women can smell a man who lacks confidence a mile away, and they don’t like it. And good luck.

  2. This girl is venom. I’d walk away man, there’s plenty of women out there you just need to carry yourself well. Never in the history of ever has an ex ever been genuinely helpful in the long run. If you really need female friends I ironically just made one standing outside of a perfume shop and I ask the first women I saw “I’m buying something for my mom, have any ideas?” And from there you just converse

  3. I don’t know if she would lose respect for you. And even if she did… it doesn’t sound like you have much to lose anyway. So it’s worth a shot.

    You can try to be indirect about it as well.
    If she brings up a girl-friend in conversation, pay attention to what she says about her friend. Like some place or thing that she is interested in. Then based on that, suggest that you all hang out in a way that involves that interest and include the friend.

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