Do you go alone? Do you stay in?

  1. If my boyfriend doesn’t want to go out, Idm staying in, as long as we do something else. I’d appreciate it if he did it for me.

  2. I stay in. He’s attended some shitshows for me, so fair is fair. It goes both ways.

  3. If it’s something I committed to or paid for then I go. Otherwise I’d probably stay home, I’m a homebody anyway.

  4. I don’t feel surprised.
    My husband is autistic and an introvert, he hates going out. And I would never force him to. That would make us both miserable. It’s normal that I’m going out while he’s at home.

    Thus I tell him where I go, kiss him goodbye and go meet with my friends or coworkers. When I come back we got lots to talk about and spend the rest of the evening together.

    I don’t go out too often, so we still get to have lots of quality time together and he doesn’t mind if I’m out with friends for 1-2 evenings per month. He encourages me to meet them and is fine with it.

  5. I’d stay in for sure, he’d do the same for me. We’re mostly homebodies anyway though

  6. It depends. Are they usually up for a fun evening? Maybe they aren’t up to going out. Is it a couples night or friends night? If they are tired from a rough week, I’d go with friends. If they are sick, I will probably stay in or go out after I make sure they have what they need to start feeling better. If my partner always wants to stay home, I’ll feel discouraged and I ant to have a serious conversation.

  7. I go without them. We both spent time quality together, time by ourselves and time with our individual friends. If I want to do something and he doesn’t I either go by myself or take a friend. He does the same. Then when we come back we tell each other all about it.

  8. We decided some years ago that we had to be okay with doing events separately. It would happen too often where one person would feel guilty or go to an event they disliked. It wasn’t working.

    Anyway now, I wouldn’t have any issue with it, I’d just tell him where I am going and vaguely when I expect to be home and happily go.

  9. It’s usually the other way around, so that would surprise me very much, but I’d say ok and go without him, like he does when I don’t want to go out.

  10. Depends on what the event is and if he wants to stay in together or if he just doesn’t have the energy to go out. Overall, I’d just communicate my intentions.

  11. Im a homebody so I totally get it. With the amount of times I’ve stayed home when my partner was going out I couldn’t say a thing if the situation was reversed.

    Id probably still go but i think it depends. Is it something I was roped into with lots of people and loud noises that i didnt really want to go to? Id use my partner as an excuse to stay home. If it was something I genuinely was excited for like a game night or an arcade id just go and not really worry about them.

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