How do you know when it’s
time to “Cut the String” with someone?
(Partner, Family, Friend, acquaintance,
colleague, etc.…)

  1. I found that is was *my* time to cut the cord when I figured I only felt like shit after leaving. No matter how great my spirit was beforehand.

  2. That is a very generic question.

    Best answer, when you have done all you can and know you can live and own your decision

  3. This is really dependant on a lot of factors, and would definitely differ depending on relationship. It wouldn’t take much for me to cut off an acquaintance or someone I barely knew or wasn’t otherwise emotionally invested in, but to “cut off” a family member or close friend? Would probably take an awful lot and be a difficult decision.

  4. For me, it was when the pain of being around them was worse than the pain of being away from them.

  5. When they show their true intentions which is that they never cared about you in the first place.

  6. For me it’s a simple equation. Do they make my life better by being in it. The minute the answer is no, then it’s time to go.

  7. Relationships need to be a two way street. If it isn’t, it needs to be evaluated.

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