What’s one thing in life you wish you’d done differently?

  1. Should have been easier on myself as a kid/teen, would have had a lot more fun

  2. Left my old country sooner, it’s insane how much my QoL improved once I left my old country.

  3. Studied something different in university. My degree was/is not particularly useful.

  4. Taken more seriously the genetic history of mental health issues and destructive coping methods.

  5. I wish I hadn’t let fear control me for so long. I freed myself from that during my quarter life crisis, and while I have no regrets, there are some things I should have done, cause now I really can’t do them.

    I have daughters now. It is my life’s mission to instill and nurture in them the traits they have now to be fearless, confident, and sure of themselves. NOW. So it doesn’t take a quarter-life crisis to figure it out.

  6. Not been so loyal to my family in that I wish I would’ve left home sooner rather than stay closer to family

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