Hi guys first post here, need advices please. Sorry for my mistakes, I’m on my phone and English isn’t my first language.

To put some context, last year me and this guy (A) (M20) were seeing each other. We were never a serious relationship as I was leaving the country after moving there for studies (2 years) and he had just gotten out of his first high-school relationship. He was still important to me as he was my first time and my first sort of relationship with a guy. Lasted a few months.

So I left the country and it was a difficult change. But I had the chance to come back there twice.

Everytime I texted him but I was very hesitant about it cuz I knew he had much more time compared to me to meet people. I on the other hand was still thinking about him. Like nothing more than flirting and kissing had happened back at my place so I was very nostalgic of him and the rest of my life tbf. First time, he was down but we didn’t manage to meet cuz of schedule. Second time, we saw each other but then said he was seeing someone. I didn’t get if he acc wanted to meet then even as a friend so I didn’t try to see him again.

That second trip really made a change on how I felt about A. Not forcing to see him but also meeting another guy with whom I got along very well helped me moved on. The thing is I didn’t talk much about this with my friend B. It was a very internal and personnal process if I can say.

I’d say that’s the context. Obviously during that time I was sharing a lot about my feelings on this with my friend (B) (F20). From the beginning to this last trip. And she would always comfort me, say that he wasn’t worth it, he was silly for what he did. Which was nothing bad, just me having some expectations and him disappointing me. So she knew a lot.

And 2 months after that trip, I get a call from B. She needed to tell me smth : she had slept with A.

I wasn’t feeling angry. I was disappointed and hurt by my friend. Cuz as I was saying she had no idea I was really moved on. So she went for it even though two months before I was trying to get with him. I knew they had already met but it was friendly I thought.

So yes I even felt betrayed but I also didn’t want to break our friendship. I love her. Also, losing a friend because of a guy felt like giving him so much importance. I was never gonna have a future with him, it was just nostalgia. She cut off things with him as she said she would do in her apology. And I accepted it and said I wanted to move on.

And now here I am. Back in the country on another holiday at her place cuz she’s hosting me. The thing is we haven’t talked about it in person. And I think I really want to. Sadly I’m still associating this country to A. I just can’t wait for him to be a happy memory that i’m done with. But rn yeah it feels a bit weird as I thinking about him but for the first time I probably won’t text or see him. So makes me think about it and want to talk about it. And I feel a bit lonely cuz none of our close friends know about it.

TLDR : My friend slept with my ex sexfriend who I took time to get over. What do you think of it? Now I’m on holiday at her place, how can I get this conversation on the table without creating a conflict/bad situation ?

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