Any big plan for this summer?

  1. Get a job with my degree, a family member is getting married so that should be fun

  2. Going to Toronto in July for a tournament, then Hilton head in August for a family vacation. Other than that, weekend booze in my yard or my buddies.

  3. Cry about the fact I should’ve taken a minimum wage job in something I already had experience in (can you tell I’m a college student?)

  4. Got a geocaching challenge I’ve been nibbling at for a couple of years, gonna try and work on it over the summer.

  5. Does working count…because there’s no end in sight.

    The machine keeps running. Us cogs keep turning.

  6. We save up every sick day, vacation day, etc all year to use it in the summer normally.

    I just did a long weekend hiking in VT, going to spend 10 days camping on the dunes at Provincetown during Carnival, and camping on a cliff over a private beach in Maine.

    Very excited!

    I really want to get to Europe but all 3 vacations for 5 people will cost about what a flight was going to cost for one.

  7. I already took my summer trip. I went to Chicago for 6 days. Just got back home today.

    Now I prepare for teaching my summer classes.

  8. I am going camping and white water rafting with an old friend. My wife is in a wedding and I’ll be attending, we’re getting a hotel and making a weekend out of it. And also, next month I’m having two close friends come up to visit with their girlfriends and we’re having a cookout and a fire and all that. Should be great!

    Oh and we’re making some serious sacrifices to make financial goals. Trying to by a house by December of 2024.

  9. I saw some reel on Instagram about how you “only get 18 summers with your children” and how you need to pack in experiences, and it was just so mom-shaming and ugh.

    Too much pressure!

    “Experiences” too often mean crowds, traffic, a blown budget, and everyone overstimulated and cranky.

    I decided that my family will have a summer of small plans.

    Sitting on our porch, talking to neighbors. Sidewalk chalk. Popsicles. Grilling. The town Fourth of July parade. Tag. Running through sprinklers. Picking cherries and making pickles. The farmers market.

    Most of it, we won’t even have to leave home.

  10. My cousin is getting married and I’m the MOH!

    Traveling out west

    Taking a much needed break from teaching

  11. One big trip to take my kids to Chicago. Other than that hiking and beach/lake days.

  12. With any luck, KITTENS. It’s time to add a couple of them to our household. And probably a trip to the aquarium or something.

  13. Long Island hangout with my best friend for the 4th. Girlfriend is taking me to philly for the first time in June. Trip to Maine with some high school buddies in late July. Also lots of work but I think it’ll be a fun summer all the same.

    Went to Europe last summer and it was fun but I’m happy to be hanging out stateside this time around.

  14. 2 weeks in Yellowstone, Grand Teton and Idaho, a week on Cape Cof and a week at a photo workshop – retirement is awesome!

  15. Going to South Dakota to visit my dad’s side of the family (maybe see some friends), and going to a concert.

    That’s in August.

  16. Travel sucks in the summer, so I don’t have many plans. Probably a multi day bike trip in France.

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