I’ve been talking talking to this guy for 2 months and we decided to make it official but when we met irl i didnt find him attractive and it feels like torture to even think about me telling him we should break up after we met . He is not unattractive either . I just don’t feel that attracted to him . He could fix some things but who the fuck am i to enter someone’s life and start changing them for the sake of me finding them attractive . He is sweet , supportive and respectful and he don’t deserve this . I really don’t know what to do

  1. I guarantee in an attempt to save his feelings by dragging this out you will hurt him more.

    Rip the bandaid off.

  2. Two months is nothing, you gotta put on your big girl pants and break up with him. If you’re going to be dating around, you have to be able to break up with people. He’ll get over it.

  3. I made this mistake. Still dealing with the consequences, get it over with before it becomes a bigger deal.

  4. You agreed to make it official before you met in person? I guess you just learned your lesson, lol. Don’t ever do that again.

  5. Two months isn’t that long. Be honest now. This only gets harder the longer you wait. It will never be as easy as it is in this moment.

  6. There’s still time, it’s still very early, it’ll hurt so much more the longer you wait, just let him go please.

  7. At least it’s two months and not two years or two decades. Two months is actually nothing if you think about it. And never commit/become exclusive with someone you’re not sure you’re attracted to physically. Date them some more if you’re not sure yet and then go from there.

  8. Why would you make anything official before meeting in person?

    I’m sorry, this is really stupid. Just break up with him and don’t continue to string the poor guy along.

  9. Yeah, sounds like you know what to do. It sucks to do, but it’s kinder in the long run.

  10. It’s only been 2 months just rip the bandaid off if you wait longer then his feelings might be more involved and then you’ll be the ass that led him on his luck

  11. How many times did you meet this guy in person? Did you FaceTime him before meeting him? I usually FT people before meeting them in person to see if I find them attractive enough.

  12. People break up every day. Just be honest and say it’s not progressing to feelings required for a relationship. How invested can people be after 2 months and just meeting in person. It’s worse to fake feelings to save yourself discomfort and guilt.

  13. Omg this literally happened to me. We dated for a few months as well but I really wasn’t attracted to him and I couldn’t help that and I wasn’t about to make myself miserable to appease someone else. I had to end things it was the best thing for both of us. Someone else will find them attractive don’t drag it out or it’ll hurt the other person more. I unfortunately hurt the person after I ended things but it was for the best things can’t always go well.

  14. You have to tell him the truth somehow. Or make it about you. Make it up if you don’t want to hurt him. I feel that attraction is so subjective. We cannot take it personally, it is a normal phenomenon. Best to be honest!

  15. why did you agree to make it official in the first place..suck it up buttercup and tell him the truth before he falls in love too deep.

  16. Break up with him.

    I’m going through the same thing except we’ve been together for months and I wish I had ended it 2 months in before I got attached.

  17. I’ve done this before. It ended terribly for both of us especially because there was a level of love bombing, gaslighting and subsequent trauma bonding. I stressed that I was not attracted to him from the beginning, but also that he was attractive, just not to me.
    Don’t go into relationships cause the guy is decent if you’re not actually into the guy. Let him find somebody who loves him fully. If you drag this on for too long just waiting for the attraction to occur to this guy, the more it hurts him for you to break it off and honestly? You feel like an asshole, even if you tried to do everything right and were honest man…

  18. Let go of him and just be honest that you do not see a future with him. Let him go so he can find someone who can love and accept him more you tried to do.

  19. I’m pretty sure you have some things you can change yourself. First start with the skin deep idea of attraction.

  20. You’re stringing him along because you’re too cowardly to tell him the truth? What the hell?

  21. Not discounting your feeling, but if people divorce after multiple years of mariage and kids and rebuild their lives with new partners, you’re never too deep in after 2 months.

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