Similar to the earlier post about the woman finding a condom in her husband suitcase…The reverse happened to me once…I also once found a condom in my girlfriends trashcan and she said she puts it on her dildo for easy clean up… is that common?

  1. Some women do, yes – especially if they plan to use a toy for anal play, as you can just peel the condom off and not necessarily have to wash the toy before vaginal play in the same session. And in general, it does make cleanup easier.

  2. It’s possible, but I’ll say the same thing I did on the other post. If this is something she does, she probably does it regularly. Ask to see the box of condoms or ask her to show you how she puts it on for fun. A one-off condom in the trash is usually what it is.

  3. I don’t know about common but I’ve done it a few times when I don’t feel like cleaning my toys after I’m done using them.

  4. I do. Especially with the toys I use for anal but also on the others because then I don’t need to use extra lube

  5. This sounds gross but if you check the used condom and there is nothing inside, she’s probably telling the truth. Although not sure i would want to do that. 🤢

  6. This may be TMI but my juices are thick and creamy and I need to really scrub them off my toys. Soap and hot water and sometimes I still see residue. Condoms make it much easier.

  7. I do every time. Makes cleanup easier and it’s overall more convenient.

  8. I just throw mine in the sink with some dawn dishwashing liquid. If I used it for anal I would probably put on a condom…

  9. yeah I put condoms on my dildo, the texture of the dildo makes too much friction so I put a condom on it to dull it

  10. If the toy is made off not great materials then it’s recommended. the only ones that are safe are glass, and silicone. The other novelty ones are not recommended.

  11. If ur worried check the condom for cum inside. But my guess is she isn’t stupid and wouldn’t have left it there if she was fucking around. Definitely types of people use them with their toys. At sex parties condoms are on everything going into a hole🤣🤣🤣

  12. Eh. It would probably depend on the toy. Some are easier to clean than others. Sometimes you don’t want to get up to clean it, so it’s easier to just put a condom on it. Sometimes condoms are used for anal just to be extra careful and sanitary. Also for a toy that might be used with multiple partners. Just like guys wrap up until they are sure it’s safe not to (or they should), women will also use condoms on our toys if they will potentially be used on someone else. Little more wiggle room for why a girl might have them.

  13. If i have some laying around and have no one to put in on, then yeah. Sometimes I’m way too lazy to bother with the cleaning so I’ll just put one on and then take it off when I’m done.

  14. In certain situations, yes. If I have anything like a UTI or yeast infection, I will use a condom to keep from reinfecting myself. Also, for any kind of butt play toys.

  15. i used condoms on a dildo that was old and had some tears in the material. this was almost 20 years ago, i have many new and well maintained toys these days. and money to replace them if needed.

  16. Lesbian here. My girlfriend and I use condoms every time the strap is involved. Makes clean up very easy and quick.

  17. I use them for my dildo. I get tired once I’m done and often fall asleep before I have the opportunity to clean up, then when I’m in the mood again, I don’t want to have to kill the mood by taking the time clean it. So now I just keep it clean and use condoms when I want to use it

  18. If the toy is one of those “more gel” like floppy dildos. They can get dog hair stuck on them. When I was young and that was my only dildo I would use a condom cause it was almost impossible in bed to keep that material lint free

  19. Yes that’s common. I have friends who have confirmed doing this as well. It’s hard to find dildos that are made with body safe material as there is not any good way to verify quality control with sex toys- especially those that are available online. Using a condom simplifies cleanup and prevents UTIs.

  20. I have a playroom and lots of toys, I use protection on all of them because they are shared.

  21. Yes, on jelly dildos that may not be made of body safe materials, and for very occasional anal play. Also, don’t want to risk them reproducing.

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