My (50F) partner (60M) of 10 years has rented a room downstairs, where his room is too, to a sx worker (F25) She sometimes has men at the house to pay to meet her and do I dont know what. She is his daughter’s friend.

It makes me uncomfortable and I don’t know if I’m overthinking or if it’s disrespectful to me. He didn’t ask me before moving her in. We have little space down there too and her stuff is causing clutter.

The main issue I have is being worried about infidelity and the lack of respect for me. I can’t bring my own family and grandchildren around that.

Am I over reacting? It makes me worried.

She gets around in clothing revealing her nipples and such and yes she’s a known sex worker. The daughter moved her in. I didn’t find out for months. I moved in after losing someone. I’m renting my own home out to live with him l, he wanted it too.

Partner has younger sx worker living with him downstairs in his property and I feel uncomfortable and disrespected.

  1. If she wasn’t a sex worker – she was just his daughter’s friend who worked in retail or something – would you still have a problem with it?

    Do you live there? You talk about how “we” have little space down there but also “his” bedroom… If you live together and he moved someone in without consulting you – yeah, that’s disrespectful. If you don’t live together that’s a bit different…

    Also – do you think he’s the type of guy to use sex workers? To your knowledge, has he used them in the past?

    How did this come about? Has he had money issues? Has he mentioned needing a roommate? Was she going through a difficult time?

    I don’t think we have enough info to judge based solely on the fact that she is a sex worker.

  2. so this is a house he owns but you don’t? Do you know how it happened – I assume his daughter told her friend he has a free room or something?

  3. I’d move on. It’s too messy that she lives and works there. I wouldn’t feel safe knowing what kind of drama or violence might happen, and would also feel disrespected as his partner.

  4. Red flag! The worst : the SW lives there rent free … payment in… you can imagine!

  5. Is she a self employed Sec either or us she a trafficked worker. There is something fishy here.

  6. IM SORRY WHAT?? He moved her in without your knowledge of anything? I find this incredibly disrespectful. And yes, I’m going to be a little sexist, because let’s be honest men suck. This would make me incredibly uncomfortable knowing that a much younger woman is living in my home without my permission or even knowledge. Forget the fact that she’s a SW, but just her moving in with you being in the dark is insane to me. And, her being a SW (no shame), of all things makes me thing something is up even more. And not to be rude at all, but you’ve been dating for 10 years are still aren’t married? And you just now moved in with him? You don’t find that odd:-/? Especially if this is a healthy relationship, I find it incredibly odd that you’re not married, didn’t live with each other prior to you needed to rent your home out, and that he doesn’t communicate with you. You might need to reevaluate things. I can understand if this girl was dirt poor and his daughter homeless friend who just needs to crash there for a little while but that doesn’t seem like the case. Either she has to go, or you do. Sorry. The lack of respect he has for you is astounding!!! I’m 25 myself, and not to dis on my own gender, but my girlfriends the same age are constantly looking for sugardaddies, married or not. I’ve literally had to end friendships bc my friends were w SD that were married and doing this behind their wives back. Sounds like this girl found herself a nice SD. Have some self respect and leave! This is disgusting and seriously upsetting!! You’re still young. Go have fun!

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