I [F28] used to not really make any noise during sex. But as I have more experience and have learned to just let loose, I started making more noise. It’s not intentional. It’s just because I’m not worried about all those things anymore. The last guy I was seeing kept saying I was quite loud, but also said it was turning him on.

I read some stuff about guys not liking the whole porn star noises. I don’t think that’s what I do, but maybe I should try to minimize the sounds?

  1. I’m a very loud partner. Makes it interesting with kids 😆 My husband always says it suites my personality because I’m a loud person in general. But seriously, I don’t think about it much. I just enjoy myself and what comes out comes out.

  2. It’s annoying if you’re loud and faking it. If you’re enjoying it, it’s great.

  3. Really it’s just pissing off the neighbors or roommates you have to worry about. Otherwise you’re fine if the partner says they like it.

  4. I like a partner to make genuine noises. If she’s loud or quiet I don’t care, as long as she isn’t faking it.

  5. Just be who you are. Don’t change a thing as long as it comes natural. The problem with porn is not that it is loud but rather the fact that it’s fake.

  6. >But as I have more experience and have learned to just let loose, I started making more noise.

    Have you “learned to just let loose” or have you learned to read your partner?

    I’m not sure I understand how “letting loose” and the noise level are related. Maybe some people enjoy hearing their own voices.

    It sounds, for whatever reason, like a learned behavior. That’s what leads me to wonder if you’re reading your partner’s response, and taking that as positive reinforcement that louder means better.

    The cast of *Seinfeld* always spoke in too loud a voice. A stage voice, but unnecessarily loud even for a stage voice. Which is why I’ve never sat through 30 minutes of *Seinfeld,* ever. I wonder how theatrically loud they are in private . . .

  7. I’m just as auditory as I am visually and for me the louder the better. I suppose it could become a problem if one or both of you lived in an apartment with thin walls or a neighborhood where the houses were inches apart , but I’d say in general most guys like you being loud during sex

  8. I read the title and just came to say: NO.

    As long as it’s not fake, you’re not too loud. Honestly, you could prob be louder.

  9. My wife is loud and I love it.
    It’s kind of a turn off if the partner is dead quiet , you know? That can make you internalize if you’re “doing it right”

  10. I’m a very vocal partner. My boyfriend and I found a new sex position that is my favorite and I tell him to get me a pillow before we start so the whole apartment complex doesn’t hear me. He doesn’t care if I’m loud or quiet 😂

  11. > I read some stuff about guys not liking the whole porn star noises.

    There is a massive difference between “porn star noises” (i.e loud, obviously fake, and frankly annoying exhortations to “ride me, you trucker!” or “punish that pussy, Daddy”) and real, honest sounds made during sex. One of those is a massive turnoff and the other is generally a turn on for most men.

  12. obligatory: Everyone is different but here’s my take on it.

    The noise itself isn’t particularly interesting; It’s what the noise conveys and how that makes me feel. An example is probably easiest.

    The other day my wife was laying on the bed with her legs splayed open and I was between them with my hand up her snatch and a Magic Wand ™ on her clit.

    At first, she’s just laying there and relaxing. After a while I start seeing an occasional twitch in her hips and she starts making occasional, quiet, little “uh” sounds. From there it escalates; more and more of her body starts moving and her noises get louder and more frequent. By the end, her whole body is shaking, her tits are jiggling around, her hips are moving like she’s trying to eat my whole arm with her pussy and she sounds like she’s forgotten how words work.

    Two things on this.

    1. If she had seen and heard herself doing this, or even been aware of it, she likely would have died of embarrassment.

    2. I got to watch an incredibly intelligent and accomplished woman totally look and sound like a sex crazed animal in heat, for me.

    I didn’t even bother getting off that night. The whole episode made me feel like the manliest man ever. In the moment, I was basically thinking, “YES!! I ARE THE GODZ OF THE SEXXORZ!! IN THE OF MY UNCONTROLLABLE LIBIDO I COMMAND YOU TO CUM!!”

    No, I’m not arrogant enough to think that normally. Just pointing out that communicating how much your into what your partner is doing can be incredibly hot.

  13. The “porn noises” that are often referred to are the clearly exaggerated and fake noises that so many of the actresses make.

    As long as you are making those noises for you, you keep making those noises.

    Most men love it. It is just one more one for us to know that you are engaged and enjoying yourself.

    Especially if your partner has already told you that it turns him on.

    You’re good!

  14. I’m also very loud. Always have been. I just get so into it that im not even paying attention and I end up being loud, the only times it’s been an issue is if we are in a house with other people, then it really sucks, and Ussually I have to have my mouth covered on top of me trying to be quiet lol.

    I agree that if your faking it and making noises it’s probably hated. I’ve seen porn where the girl sounds like she’s stuck on a 3 second loop, and it gets super annoying, but if it’s genuine moaning I can’t imagine it being an issue

  15. Loud girl here! My neighborhood knows when my husband is pounding me into tears. I give zero fucks. Just be yourself and tell dudes to bump it on down if they don’t like something. 🤷🏽‍♀️
    You need to be confident with yourself and your abilities. Don’t let anyone steal that from you EVER! 💕

  16. Just keep doing what you’re doing
    I’m incredibly loud during sex. I moan, gasp, cry out, cuss, dirty talk tf out of my partner loud asf. At first I was a bit embarrassed but not anymore. Sex is suppose to be fun and when you’re with someone you care about you’re suppose to feel comfortable.

  17. No no no no — YOU MAKE THAT NOISE!!!!

    The more noise the better!!

    Porn noise is more fake shit.

  18. I am quite loud IF its good lol I dont fake it, not for anyone lol – I can be quiet if need be but omg is it difficult with my Fiancé what can I say when the D is good…ya gotta let the neighbors know too lol

  19. Absolutely not. If it’s real don’t even think about the noises you make. I feel like my SO cums faster the louder I am. Just let your body do its thing. Sometimes I’m not that loud other times I am. We’ve literally gotten a letter from our neighbor asking us to shut up lol

  20. My wife is crazy loud. The first time ever I had to stop half way in between and just started laughing for a good 20 min. She dosnt fake anything and took me a good while to get use too.

  21. I think I am *far* too responsive (vocally and physically), but my husband disagrees. 🙂

    I do try to keep it down when our teenagers are home, though.

  22. Just be natural, don’t force anything one way or another. If we know everything is genuine, it will drive us wild. If you’re intentionally loud, that can be obnoxious, if you’re holding back and being quiet, that can be frustrating. So just do what feels natural.

  23. He doesn’t sound like he was complaining. He probably just mentioned it casually.

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