Basically, yeah

  1. Depends on what you mean by confront, are you planning on yelling at them or just having a frank conversation?

  2. I would personally try to know why they were being distant. It might be a misunderstanding. They might have something else in their life that takes too much time, attention or energy from them.
    However, if its not something else, it might simply be that you two have grown apart. Or at least they have. So you dont have a friendship anymore. Or at the very least not one as close as you used to. These things happen. You cant have a friendship if the other side doesnt want anymore. It is what it is.

    Also, careful with dumb excuses. Some people would rather lie than say something uncomfortable, even to their friends. You’ll have to judge on both the response and their future actions.

    Another option may be that you’re being too clingy and they want a friendship with you, just not as close as you want it. Just an option as we dont really have much info on the situation.

  3. Depends on your goal:

    1. Get them to feel bad?
    2. Get them to change their mind about ignoring you?
    3. Vent?

  4. You want your friend to feel bad for being distant, but what else do you want after that? Do you want to reconcile/restore the friendship, do you want to find out why they became distant, do you want something else?

    Figure out what outcome you’re looking for, then you’ll be able to figure out whether or not to say anything.

  5. unless you plan on trying to use this to be friends again no. better for both of you if you just keep going your separate ways.

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