What’s the worst way you’ve ever seen one of your friends get rejected?

  1. High school friend had a crush on this girl who was very obviously not interested in him. All of us told him this and he just wasn’t hearing it.

    In the middle of a party, he breaks out his guitar and serenades her with “Lean on Me,” to which she responded by saying “um, ok…” and then walking out.

  2. It’s the worst I’ve ever seen but he 100% deserved it tbh.

    I’d become really good internet friends with a girl in Australia (I’m UK based). We’d message everyday, shared everything together and all in really good friends. This went on for about 18 months – 2 years. We really wanted to meet but we were fresh college students without jobs and neither of us could afford to fly to the other country.

    Out of the blue my friend added her and started chatting her up. He saw no wrong in what he’d done even though he knew how close we were and how much we wanted to meet. But he’d rub it in my face that he had a high paying job and could fly over and see her whenever he liked and would remind me I couldn’t.

    As time went on, she started to distance from me and we wouldn’t speak anymore. Then me and my friend went on holiday and it was pointless because he’d just escape to his room to Skype her 24/7.

    Couple of months later he flew out to Australia to meet her. I was absolutely heartbroken. Again, he saw nothing wrong with it. They’d post pictures together and he went to her prom with her, both of them dressed up really nice.

    I didn’t have anything to do with him after that for a long time. Then some months after he returned, he messaged me wanting to patch things up. Said he was going through a rough patch with his mental health and wanted to patch things up.

    He explained to me that he’d gone over there in the hope of them getting in a relationship but she’d friend zoned him in the end and rejected him. She ended up getting back with an ex boyfriend and I think they’re even married now.

    So he spent thousands of pounds to fly to the other side of the world for a girl who didn’t have the time of day for him in the end and rejected him.

  3. Not a friend, I actually don’t like the guy at all but here’s the story. I knew a guy in highschool, his name was Alex and he was dating this one girl named Chantelle. Alex is a pathological liar and the stuff he lied about was so stupid. To give you some idea about the kinda stuff he lied about, Alex was playing soccer once and an official from FIFA watched him and was impressed. He offered Alex a spot in any team he wanted. Alex turned the offer down cause he wanted to stay in school.

    Alex was dating Chantelle and she was getting tired of his bullshit. Alex asked Chantelle if she wanted to be his gf. She told him no and she didn’t want to date him anymore. this happened in a crowded hallway and Alex broke down crying. Chantelle didn’t know what to do so she just walked away. Alex was begging and screaming for her to stay.

    A couple of weeks later Chantelle and Alex got back together. Prom was coming up in like a month (maybe a bit more than a month). Alex assumed Chantelle was gonna go to the prom with him so he was good. Alex would pick on these 2 guys, Michael and Robin cause they didn’t have a date for the prom. Robin would eventually get a date and Alex went hard after Michael. Chantelle saw how he was talking to Michael and she really didn’t like how he was acting. Chantelle broke up with Alex a few days later and he had another freak out. She remained firm in the breakup. Chantelle would go to the prom with this guy Tashan and she also asked Michael to go with her too.

    Anyways it’s prom day and we all go to this building. Chantelle bounced between dancing with Michael and Tashan. Alex would occasionally try to sneak a dance in with her. She’d casually move away from him, but then let it happen when he wouldn’t leave her. After prom Michael went on to brag to Alex how he fucked his girl (it didn’t happen) and Alex pretended like him and Chantelle weren’t broken up and screamed at her.

  4. Probably not giving up that the person isn’t interested and then having one of the friends of the person message them to leave her alone.

  5. My friends don’t ever actually try honestly which I am trying to encourage them

    They get in their own heads a lot then self sabotage or never take action

  6. Lady in the bar gave him a business card with a printed message declining him.

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