In a new relationship after ending a 6 year relationship.

I was in a relationship for 6 years and we broke up last year. 4 months later I got in a new relationship. We have been together 4 months and I recently found out my ex is seeing someone else and has already introduced her to his family. It destroyed me when I found out because my ex didn’t introduce me to his family until 6 years later and we broke up shortly after because of a mistake I made. There was no cheating but just a boundary crossed that he didn’t appreciate. I feel now that I never truly healed from that relationship and jumped into a new one and now I’m unsure of what to do in my new relationship and feel like a horrible person for still crying over my ex while being with him. Any advice?

TL; DR in a new relationship after ending 6 year relationship still want my ex

  1. If you’re still hung up on your ex, be a good person and break up with your bf, He doesn’t deserve just part of your feelings. Be single for a while. Try new things or hobbies. Block your ex on everything. Give yourself time to grieve your last relationship. When you are over your ex, then start dating again.

  2. If making one mistake after 6 years, ended the relationship, theres a high probability he has known this other person for a while. And was looking for a way to end the relationship without being the “bad guy”. Be single for a bit you need time to mourn and he sad, itll get better in time.

  3. Possible he’s moving faster because he’s running out of time. Best way to forget an ex.

  4. They say it takes half the time you were together to get over an ex. I was married 22 years and I met some great women after my divorce, but I really wasn’t into it for several years.

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