So I’m going to try to keep this as short as possible but I really need an outsiders perspective.

So my (32F) wife who I (35M) married because I love told me about a week before we got married that she needed papers. At the time I honestly did not put much thought into it because yo I was flat broke and going through custodial hearings with my ex wife. I was stressed, anxious and on the verge of a breakdown but my now wife struck through it all with me by my side. She’s very beautiful and could probably easily find some rich guy.

But here’s where my issues are starting, even though I was stressed when we met I had my own little place, it was comfortable and super affordable and I had an amazing land lord who treated me like family. My wife begged me to move in with her (we were dating at that time) into what she told me was her home. I had blind faith and trust in her so I didn’t think twice about it.

Fast forward about two years and I’m making about twice as much money but I’m also pretty much the sole provider of the household, she turned in some application with her lawyer about a year and a half ago and I have not been updated about her immigration status.

Now I pay the mortgage, bills, food pretty much 100% of everything including for her two kids, when my son comes visit and we all go out on activities I’m paying for tickets and meals etc for basically five people. She doesn’t even offer to help. This is where I start to get a little pissed off, because I’m paying for everything she has managed to save a ton of money and has bought a car cash, she had enough money to buy another car cash (more info on that one later) she is basically debt free while I’m struggling to pay everything. Also have pets some of which were mine before we met and some were hers but I pay for all the pet food and treats. The other day she almost ripped my head off because I asked her to get a bag of cat food and was basically making me feel like I’m not a man for not paying for it and she doesn’t have money but today she went and got her ears pierced and some vitamin b12 shot all of which probably cost her $400.

Now, more news, the house she convinced me to move into? Well, it’s not really hers, it’s her sister in law and they are fighting so now we’re getting threatened with getting kicked out. Now my wife is anxious and snappy because of the situation we’re in and is expecting me to buy a house with the flip of a switch. I told her I’ve been paying for her and her kids for almost two years and she tells me how she needs a man who has a future. I told her it’s 2023, millions of Americans are one mechanic bills from being homeless and I’ve been putting food on the table and a roof over your head for years. I also told her if she didn’t buy that piece of shit car we would’ve had money for a down payment.

The car in question was an auction car, her family has a business where they buy wrecked cars and fix them. She found some Kia that looked okay in the pictures but I told her to not buy it until we look at it in person. Did she listen? Nope, she sent $8,000 to some guy she barely knows who processed the paperwork for the auction sale. The car was delivered to us and it was a huge pile of hot shit, everything was zip tied together, the transmission was welded directly to the body of the car somehow, that car would’ve needed Jesus Christ himself to restore. So we lost 8 grand on that.

Yesterday my son came over and my wife tells me to come pick up her kids and take them out to eat. Today I bought pizza and took them to movies, it’s not even Sunday and I’ve probably spent $200 on everything (this is a very light weekend, we normally go and do something but given it’s memorial weekend I didn’t want to go to any crazy spots it normally I can spend double that) she didn’t offer a single dollar to help and the cats still need their food lol.

Then today we go to Walmart and the kids all want different brands/flavors of ice cream and some other foods. The total was about $50 so I sent her $20 (the only thing my son got was one little $3 box of ice cream) and she became infuriated that I only sent $20

This is on top of how incredibly lazy she is, she just sits on the couch all day watching TikTok’s then I get home, cook, clean, do laundry entertain the kids. I even pay for her beauty care, car insurance and cell phone.

I’ve spoken to her about this and the situation gets toxic real quick so I don’t know what else to do about this. Any help and or advice, or should I set sail?

  1. Take a walk and don’t look back. Better lose some now than lose everything later. Unfortunately those are the many reasons why men are being advised not to date single mothers. It never ends well coz most are looking for help not love.

  2. For your own sanity you should consider being on your own. Life is great when you have peace. You could also find a women who respects you. Loves you.

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