I struggle doing simple errands. I cantmake online payments without shaking. Simple things like paying my fees online has me shaking and sweating in front of my laptop. I need help in getting it together to alteast do my daily chores. Does anyone have any tips?

  1. I used to feel the same way. It got better over time, and I got used to a few habits that might help you too:

    Not adding new bills if I can help it, and getting rid of bills that I can live without.

    Autopay wherever possible. Login info saved thru Google account so logging in takes less time.

    Spreading out payments through the month, so they don’t all land on the same day. I pay some bills early in order to do this. Sometimes, I’ll be in a certain mood where it’s better to do them all on the same day.

    Paying bills while doing something else. I usually pay my rent as I’m walking out of work, on my lunch break, etc, so I can get distracted right away and have a limited amount of time to focus on it.

    I send most of my paycheck to trusted family, so that I always have a savings buffer that I can’t access without like… Explaining why, lol. This helps the anxiety surrounding paying bills, because I used to spend impulsively and wouldn’t know how I was gonna pay rent that month. I ended up racking up credit card debt.

    I’d pay ahead on my bills if it was possible, but I’m not quite there yet.

    Good luck to you, hopefully some of this helped.

  2. Stop lying to yourself. You choose not to do errands and chores because they require a little more time and energy than you are used to giving. In short, You are lazy. You won’t get very far in life being lazy. Nobody respects lazy people. Nobody wants to manage your life either. You are an adult. Act like it. You are responsible for your own life. You are the product of your own actions and choices.

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