How often do you come home after work to find a mess thats not yours but no one will clean up?

  1. Thankfully never. I mean with a 2 year old it can’t really be helped, but we all pull our weight to clean up the messes.

  2. Never unless the cats made a mess, and I’m the only one around to do anything about it. My partner and I both clean whatever needs cleaning in our home. The cats aren’t great about cleaning up after themselves, but they get a pass for lacking that capability for the most part 😆

  3. every couple days, you’d think that with two other women, cleaning the one guy’s mess would be easy but my god they don’t help.

  4. A lot. I have spoken to my cats about this but they just lick their butts and ignore me.

  5. Never. I live alone so don’t have to worry about stuff like this.

  6. Luckily not too often since I live alone now. Though when my roommates lived with me they weren’t bad, just occasionally didn’t wipe the stove down

  7. Every other week one of my cats has thrown up somewhere. Other than that never since I divorced my ex.

  8. Rarely. I have made it clear I’m not their mom nor maid. So chores are split. Like I cook and he cleans up and does dishes. He doesn’t do dishes I don’t cook. Everyone puts dirty laundry in bins. I wash. He helps fold and put away. If he doesn’t he might not get clean next clothes next week. Consequences

  9. Never. Neither of us are complete anal retentives. We do pick up and clean up after ourselves. But no one stresses about two or three things being out of place. Both of us pick up something when we leave a room. And we don’t care who’s something it is. We just pick it up

  10. Every day. Then I realize I’m the only (adult) one who lives here and sulk…

  11. Never. There’s messes sometimes. I might have to instigate the cleaning, but nobody every refuses to participate because that’s the house culture.
    Husband learned in the dating stage that I am not his mom, and that I wouldn’t play housewife. We did have a rough patch when we started living together because he was never taught how to prioritize and self delegate. My cleanliness threshold was much higher. But that was resolved over time because he was open to learning from me.
    Now we have an equitable distribution of chores we each manage. We both thank each other for the bare minimum because it’s free (people need to do way more of this) and discuss sorting our shared chores and plans when the kid can hear us. Our son grew up watching us working as a team and he naturally wanted to be included because that’s how kids work.

  12. My cat chews plastic (I take her out to chew on grass and it helps a lot) but when I’m gone she always finds something random to chew on 😅

  13. Serious answer though: my ex roommate used HATE when I greeted people in public because he didn’t want anyone thinking we were dating. I love it, I’m a social butterfly, but he wanted a maid and a gf at home. Every day I woke up it would be to him playing video games in his own filth, and cleaned up after him for months and just… stopped. He demanded he pay LESS RENT because he had to wash his own shit 🤦🏽‍♀️

  14. Every day. I’m not being hyperbolic either. The last time I didn’t was when I lived by myself with my dog.

  15. With 3 dogs who surprisingly take no responsibility for their messes and a husband who has brain farts about where the laundry hamper is located…all the fucking time.

  16. Everyday. Teenages are messy, and lazy. I make them clean. I don’t care who made the mess, I’m not dealing with it. Fix it now or I’m turning off the wifi.

  17. Regularly, but none of the dogs have opposable thumbs so vacuuming is probably beyond them.

  18. that no one WILL clean up? probably never. I’m sure if I ask my husband to he’d be happy to. but I usually don’t mind.

  19. Every day, usually multiple messes.

    Does this not happen to other people? Really? I have a family, maybe that’s the difference?

  20. Seldom at least way less often than the times I come home and my mess has been magically cleaned up.

  21. Not too often… it’s just me and my husband though, and we sort of take turns being the lazy one and picking up after each other

  22. Never, unless my dogs have made the mess. All other messes are my own. I live by myself with 3 dogs.

  23. When my cat throws up, his next course of action is to eat it. Is this unusual?

  24. None since I kicked my ex fiance out!

    Its nice coming home,there is no trash littered around by some1 who sleeps until 1pm everyday and spends his day playing videogames with 0 contribution to anything

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