What are some of your random pet peeves?

  1. People asking “What” even though they heard me clearly more than 2 times

  2. I’ll give you the opposite:
    I purposely hang my paintings slightly off to annoy my guests

  3. Not putting grocery carts back

    Bicyclists that act like they’re cars (riding on the road during an exceptionally bad time for cars, when there is a wide open sidewalk) but also want all of the privileges of a pedestrian (expecting the right of way, not having to stop at lights / stop signs)

  4. Used to be Starbucks (though this may be a bit of an overstatment), I disliked their coffee, too watery abd the prices were generally too high for what they offer, but I reduced my coffee intake as a whole and so I don’t mind so much anymore.

  5. Not really the most random but when others interrupt you when you speak but doesn’t like it when you do the same to them.

  6. Inefficient parking at trailheads. People park like 6 feet away from other cars, and at weird angles. Every gravel trailhead lot seems like it could fit double the cars if people weren’t selfish fuckholes. Late arrivals to the trailhead then have to park on the side of roads, or halfway in ditches, or doubled up behind other cars so that exiting the lot is a gauntlet.

  7. Materia needed not readily available. Like keys, cell phones, chargers, socks and what not. Being in the service of the highest form of existence, materia should not hide, make themselves available when needed. Humans have higher tasks than focusing on short time memory and orderly stuff. Materia need to shape up.

  8. Don’t squeeze my toothpaste tube from the middle. I will literally have a second tube for other people who do this. And the savages that use a full palmar squeeze.. gtfo of my bathroom.

  9. People who are laser focused on their phones while moving.

    While walking, 90% of them are either going super slow, not walking a straight line, or prone to walking into things/people.

    Driving? It’s the cause of both accidents I’ve been in and the majority of close calls I have on the road.


  10. Slow drivers in the passing lane.

    Slow people when something is explained to them

    Slow internet speed

    Slow motion over-use in recent movies

  11. Constant complaining, even when justified, because sometimes people just want to hang out and not have to listen to how shit work is, or a partner is, or whatever…chill, joke, have a good time and save the complaining for the morning.

  12. getting a haircut like every month. having to shave.

    scratches on my glasses. im either foggy because of all the micro scratches or im blurry because i need glasses.

    people who cant admit when theyre wrong.

    having to be an adult.

  13. Every godamned supposed zip-loc bag that cannot be opened, and every OTC allergy or upset stomach pill wrapped like mummies in individual blister packs that require surgery to access, and when you try to find one that will open easily (no matter how much you pay), you find that they just stuffed a few more blister packs in a box to mislead hapless allergy sufferers like me.

  14. They’re not boneless wings, they’re god forsaken CHICKEN TENDERS ‼️

  15. In movies when two people meet up for a 2 minute conversation at a coffee shop and they order stuff and then leave before it even comes. Why even bother.

    Or when you can tell the cup props are empty because you wouldn’t be so careless with how you move it if the cup had something in it. Or the hollow sound when they put it on the table. It wouldn’t kill you to just put water in it. It’s a very small detail but when you notice it it distracts you because it’s not normal and unexpected.

  16. When you open a bottle and the bits that normally snap off just turn into awkward razor sharp spikes that annoy the fuck out of you anytime you want a drink.

    And this last one is very specifically pointed at my mom, but basically we often watch movies together, its our thing. She’ll ask me to watch something, sometimes I’ll be a lil busy and do something else for like 30 mins, but without fail every time we watch something, she’ll strangely get up right before it begins and go make herself food or do some other activity she wants to get done. Even if she’s had an hour to do that already. It drives me insane because I’m sat there for 20 mins casually pressing the button every 5 mins so the streaming service doesn’t go into sleep mode and I have to find the movie again.

  17. People call me “Jake” cause it’s not my name. It’s “Jacob”. Say the whole thing

  18. hearing people chew or eat sends me into a blinding rage. i dont know why. this combined with talking with your mouth full and i have to leave the room to stop myself from committing crimes.

  19. Over judgmental people who don’t have common sense or you know the ability to you know take pause and you know be rational

  20. People who leave shopping carts in parking spots instead of at the cart return.

  21. I absolutely hate when food is wasted or a dish isn’t completely eaten. Unless it’s making u sick or something like that. Or wasting resources like masks just to only use it for under an hour

  22. People who pronounce all word endings “ese” and “es” as “eez” because they think it makes them sound sophisticated.

    For example, the last “e” in “proccesses” is short (as in “bed”) but some people insist on making it long (as in “tree”).

  23. When I’m in the kitchen and someone else (wife or kids) comes in and disturbs me. For context, I’m the main meal maker in the family, so when I go to the kitchen it’s usually because someone or several someones have already bugged me with incessant “what’s for dinner’s?” Not gonna lie, if my wife and I ever split up, it will be because she doesn’t help out with meals often enough.

  24. At work you occasionally get extra in the morning which isn’t a problem. But sometimes you get back at the end of the day and extra work is waiting for you so you have to go back out on the street. I HATE THIS! I’ll work 12 hrs a day with no complaints but let me know in the morning!

  25. People that jaywalk even though there’s an intersection to cross at 10ft away from them in the direction they are walking.

    People that don’t use the pedestrian crossing button to cross the street even though that is where they are crossing at. Seriously just push the button, lights will flash and traffic will stop so you can cross!

  26. People who ride their bikes on flat terrain in way too low of a gear. Why ride a bike the normal way when you can pedal four times as hard to go twice as slow?

  27. Asking questions about the movie we are currently watching. Just watch it, I have the same info as you.

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