How many friends do you have left from your college days?

  1. From actual college none. I couldn’t stand my classmates. I was the only girl in a class full of guys and so many of them were so fucking sexist. But if we’re also including friends I made through other means at that age then I’m still friends with most of them.

  2. None. At least: no one I met at college. But around that time I also did a lot of volunteer work and I still have 4 really close friends from that.

  3. About six, we were in an organization together that really formed bonds between us.

  4. It’s been an ebb and flow for me. At my lowest count, two. Currently, 15. Location made it hard for me to connect, but I thought about those who positively impacted my life most and invited them back into my life. I periodically call, tell them when I was coming into town to organize a hang, and send them a care package when they were down. I realized that my world was lacking the color it once did because I wasn’t acting on how I felt about my friends.

    If there’s one thing that the internet has ruined for me (lol at “one”), it would be a sense of community. Now, feel like I’m rebelling when I connect with my college friends.

  5. None that I can think of that I met in college – mostly just some friendly professional connections, but college was a long time ago for me and I lost contact with most casual friendship connections from high school or college many years ago.

  6. Most of my college friends are scattered all over the world, I’ve kept in regular contact with 2, the others have slowing moved on as I have also.

  7. I’m pushing fifty. I would say i have a couple college friends i am social media friends with. I have two best friends and one is from junior high and one is from college. Tbf tho what helps is that i moved to europe in my twenties, they both moved later, but geography has been key in maintaining the closeness.

  8. Only the one that I also went to high school with. I commuted 45 minutes each way and worked a couple of jobs, so I didn’t do much socializing at the college outside of my cohort.

  9. I have a lot of friends who I made during those years, but none of them were people that I actually went to school with. My most lasting friendships have been with people that I had to make an intentional effort to be friends with, who weren’t just thrown together with me due to work or school.

  10. None. I never had any friends in college. I don’t even remember the names of classmates. The friends that I have now met when I started working.

  11. Aww. How did you guys manage to make friends lol? I have two years left and I don’t know anybody.

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