After 2 years of long distance relationship, in which I was fat from the beginning, she told me that my obesity bothered her, at the beginning of the relationship I asked her if it bothered her and she replied that it did not. I am very sad about this.One thing that bothered me from the beginning of the relationship is that she doesn’t feel like kissing too much, once she told me that she sometimes forces herself to do it, there is also another problem in our relationship, she is finishing her studies and could move to my city, but unfortunately she doesn’t want to do it, she only told me that maybe she will change her mind, but unfortunately I can’t move because I have to finish my studies.I have a feeling that this is the slow end of my relationship, she is my first girlfriend so I don’t know if this is just a relationship crisis or the slow end of our relationship. this is also my first post so I don’t know what else to write and I apologize to you for my bad grammar.

  1. Find yourself who wants to be with you. She doesn’t. She even has to force herself to kiss you. That’s not healthy.

  2. Long distance relationships never work out

    She is just picking a different reason

    Also it is not healthy to be overweight

    Try your best to change that

  3. Break up with her, lose that weight and watch her come crawling back and reject her 🤣

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