feel like the title is pretty self-explanatory, .. but if not (!) …

I’m currently rocking a “suave for men” shampoo and a “dove” body wash .. then I toss on some “speedster gel” D-O for the B-O

while it’s been good to me in the past, I’m slowly approaching “midlife man” status, and that along with the warmer weather has me rethinking my life choices

any advice from the masses on the best combo to keep the stank down, and the groovy freshness (that women enjoy) up?

muchas gracias 🙏🏻

edit; just to be clear, I’m very much a “clean” person, and don’t have bad BO or anything like that. I just thought I’d test the waters and see what everyone else is happy with before I go to the store next week lol

love the energy though!! keep it coming!

  1. Krieger shampoo and conditioner was great for my hair since my scalp can get pretty dry at times, but it’s been kinda hard to find now for some reason so I’m back to head and shoulders 2 in 1 for now. Try to stay away from those 2 in 1 products tho, get good pair of conditioner and shampoo. And for body wash I’ve always liked Irish spring but I’m sure there’s far better out there. My biggest thing is my hair lol

  2. Are you in the US? My wife has me hooked on Head Kandy charcoal body wash and Pureology shampoo & conditioner.

  3. I like Old Spice, switched to Old Spice everything last year, and nobody has said anything about my BO since then

  4. Cremo products work great, aren’t that expensive and the ladies dig it. Just make sure you are stacking “same-type” scents. I generally go with anything woodsy (sandalwood, cedar, etc.) Bodywash, shampoo, shaving cream, all the same profile.

    Remember, cologne or any other other scent you put on your body should be discovered, not announced.

  5. I get by with Dr. Bronner’s liquid soap, peppermint scent. Works great on the body and your hair, needs no conditioners and leaves everything smelling fresh.

    It’s pretty concentrated IMO, so I mix the soap with water (like, 5-1 water to soap) in a foaming dispenser and apply it that way. Not cheap, but a bottle lasts a _long_ time that way.

  6. * Dove Bodywash
    * SheaMoisture Shampoo and Conditioner
    * Gilette Ultimate Protection Antiperspirant

    Basically, what they sell at Costco.

  7. Hmm.. sir, which of these is the cheapest brand of shampoo you have? Oh and which is the cheapest deodorant?

    These 2? Thanks! I will buy 10 of them.

  8. The one that doesn’t make you smell.
    If you actually want to smell good for women get a cologne.
    If you have no idea how to use or one. Just go on YouTube and cologne that all Men must have, how to put cologne on yourself.

  9. I use the Kirkland brand shampoo and conditioner from Costco on my hair. I don’t wash my hair everyday, but condition it daily, as I have long hair. I think the conditioner smells really nice.

    My beard I use a specific beard wash and conditioner from a brand called “Beard struggle”.

    I wash my body with dial antibacterial bar soap. I use a regular washcloth.

    I also keep on hand a bottle of Palmolive for dish soap and a scrub brush for times when I work of cars and such and get greasy.

    When I’m “going out” I finish my shower with a body wash made by “beard struggle” that is the same fragrance as my beard products.

    The deodorant I love and have had the most success with is Nivea Silver Protect spray. I’m prone to getting acne and cysts in my armpit areas, this is the only deodorant that helps it not get as bad.

    I keep my neck, back and sides of my head clean shaven, I use Barbasol shaving cream, and Harry’s Razors.

    Once a month or so I remember to use an exfoliating face scrub from some brand or other, then use some kind of healing/rejuvenation lotion my girlfriend has after.

  10. Natural goat’s milk soap. You use it on your whole body and hair. It’s wonderful. It’s all I’ve used for over 30 years. I’m 61 now and have the skin of of a 30 year old. Nurses have to check my charts to see how old I am because they’re so surprised. I’m a man. Also, I never wear jewelry or get piercings or tattoos.

    Try a bar or two, you’ll never go back to using harsh chemicals on your skin. It’s about eight bucks a bar but worth it.

  11. Irish Spring guy here, body wash & bar soap. Gillette Ultra antiperspirant. If I decide on cologne, my go to is Preferred Stock.

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