If someone usually hangs put with me and there are occcasional times where they decline my invitation to hangout when they usually dont, if I feel like they secretlly hate me or are lying to get out of hanging out with me, does that me I probably have an anxiety disorder? I already have adhd. Sometimes I’m confident they dont hate me and other times I’m unsure even though theres not really any evidence they so. For some reason I feel horrible and develop false delusions and paranoia when they dont want to hang out. I dont know if I just have a severe mental disorder or its just very bad anxiety and adhd, but I have these thoughts a lot. These thoughts and rds in general honestly make me suicidal. I’ve dealt with this for years (22 currently). I had to finally ask this becausr it ruins my life. The dyphoria I feel sucks.

1 comment
  1. Yes what your detailing shows signs of General anxiety disorder, & or possibly more, I have GAD also & adhd, ocd & the list goes on! Lol. But I do want to let you know that everyone in the world deals with & faces anxieties, just some of us feel it more & it can be debilitating. However, do you take meds for the adhd? The reason I ask is many meds actually cause these type of symptoms or worsen it, please know im not saying for you to stop as I can’t give medical advice, but just be aware of what we consume & our environment can contribute to it also. I feel that you need to see a psychologist…just to explore it further, hear you out & maybe find the root reason why you feel the way you feel. I think one important thing is you need to work on self love, getting to know why you are the way you are, that there’s nothing wrong with you, we all have thoughts, etc. We pick up habits/traits/things from our life/experiences & traumas that could no longer be serving us & just know you’re enough.
    This is a journey I went on for myself, its hard, but please reach out to those who can help, because there are those who’ve been there & felt alone in the world, but your not alone nor do you live in an island.

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