I’ve currently been dating my gf for roughly 7 months and things have been going great so far. We both are practically inseparable with the both of us constantly wanting to spend time with each other. Things are more or less blissful in this relationship with one catch. During the time we were getting to know each other prior to being exclusive, my gf was casually seeing someone else. I obviously know that we weren’t dating and that she’s done nothing wrong then. However it hurts me knowing how much I liked her back then just to see that I was just an option back then (i knew this before becoming exclusive). During this period as well we ended up taking a break because she said she didn’t want me to be part of a bad pattern with the men she’s dated. She only lasted 2 weeks before coming back stating that she changed her mind and that she wanted me. However she also slept with another dude during this “break” (I also hooked up with someone else during this time). We both ended up dropping the other people for each other and we’ve been dating since. If it was anyone else I wouldn’t have dated her given how’s she’s dropped me in the begin despite me liking her. I didn’t get too attached back then so it didn’t matter, but seeing it through the feelings I have for her now I feel extremely hurt even months later. She’s a good gf and is essentially loyal to me, but I still can’t get past these previous actions even if we weren’t dating back then. Is it pointless to keep this relationship continuing despite it going well?

To add on, she also kept telling me how much she likes me during this period and kept hinting at a relationship. Combining this and the “break”, i guess it sorta messed with my head

Tldr; I was blinded by feelings and got into a relationship with someone I shouldn’t had. The relationship is extremely good but I still resent her past actions.

  1. My brother women have options, just something you have to accept. You’re gonna have to compete with other guys even you’re in a relationship. If it’s bothering you bro, I recommend having a conversation about it with her to get the closure you need. I hope this helps bro, just got to be honest with you

  2. I can relate to the resentment you’re feeling. Have you tried talking to your family or a trusted therapist about it? If it’s unresolved, it may be affecting your current relationships in unexpected ways. Best of luck to you on your journey.

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