Obviously the South of Spain/Canary Islands are generally known to be a massive draw for British tourists, but if I had to pick a few specific places there with particularly infamous reputations, I would say Magaluf in Mallorca (the beach resort that tends to attract the worst behaviour among Brits abroad, usually involving alcohol) and Benidorm in Valencia.

  1. I have heard a lot of similar things about Finnish tourists being nightmares in Spain. I think especially Fuengirola is known to have a large population of Finnish tourists, because there’s also a large population of Finnish immigrants there.

  2. Croatia beaches are full of Czech and Slovak tourists… Adriatic sea is basically a Czecho-Slovak sea

  3. Mallorca as well. The worst Germans split the island with the worst Brits every summer. I believe Arenal is one of the hotspots

  4. Yep. Beaches in Greece and Bulgaria have so many romanian tourista, that a lot of people working in restaurants there actually learnt romanian. Sometimes better than english, even.

  5. Greek islands often preffered by Turks who are relatively richer.

    Other than it

    Non-EU Balkan countries esspecially Serbia is quite popular recently due to no passport agreement.

    But before the Russia-Ukraine war the answer would be Ukraine due to same reason as Serbia.

  6. Lignano is where middle class Austrians drove for summer holiday for many decades.

    Today it’s more the young, going on holiday to get drunk crowd and school classes.

  7. The only place where people assumed I was Finnish is Rhodes. Seems they get package tours there.

    Glasgow was the go-to destination for Icelandic tourists a generation ago, partly for shopping and also because of a Scottish TV crime series that got a cult following in Iceland.

  8. I heard that the Brits always go to Kraków and not necessarily for sightseeing.

  9. Gran Canaria. Specifically Mogán and Puerto de Mogán. There’s a Norwegian school there and everything.

  10. Surprised this wasn’t mentioned yet, Tallinn, Estonia. Finns flock there to get cheaper alcohol and cigarettes and to spend a few days drinking.

  11. Malle (Mallorca).

    Come on Spain, let us buy it. I mean, the German part, not the English. You can keep them.

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