Besides Spanish what the most popular language in the book store in your area?

  1. It depends. Older book stores in my area have german books from when german was more influential here, but really there’s a myriad of languages, its not clear which one would be the most popular after English and Spanish.

  2. Pennsylvania Dutch and Volga German are the most popular non English languages in my region

  3. Aside from the jokes, there’s a ton of Polish and Lithuanian shops around here with newspapers and magazines.

  4. The only books I’ve ever seen in stores have been English, Spanish, or braille

  5. Portuguese. In my area of Massachusetts there are more Portuguese and French speakers than Spanish. Actually it’s rare to see books in Spanish here. There are however entire stores including book stores that offer all services in Portuguese and Italian.

  6. Portuguese. UMass Dartmouth has an entire Portuguese language library.

  7. Assuming you mean non-English language because of how many people are responding with ‘English’,

    French and German, I’m in Illinois even though my flair says North Carolina (I’m from NC)

  8. There really aren’t any languages other than English and Spanish in book stores near me. You can find language learning textbooks/workbooks in various languages but that’s it.

  9. Other than English, it is Russian or maybe one of the Indian languages like Malayalam.

  10. Japanese (manga) and probably Haitian-Creole. – I am in Long Island, NY.

  11. Korean is the third most popular language in my area, but I haven’t been to a bookstore in years

  12. Korean is the third most spoken language in Georgia, USA

    Big Korean population around Atlanta

  13. I should had said foreign language.

    My local book store has plenty of Japanese and Korean books

  14. Polish. I live near a very large community of very recent Polish emigrants.

  15. It goes English, Spanish, and then French as most common in my area. Then maybe German or Somali.

  16. Originally from NC, I can tell you in the library the only section besides Spanish and English was Vietnamese

  17. Not books but in my area there is a huge Indian population so Bollywood movies and Hindi movies are big in my local movie theaters.

  18. We have the highest population of Brazilians outside of Brazil. So you will see Portuguese.

    To be honest, I heard more Portuguese than Spanish growing up.

  19. Bold of you to assume there is a book store in my area.

    If there were though, it would either be Hmong, Khmer, or Lao. There are a lot of Laotian and Cambodian immigrants in western Arkansas.

  20. I think you meant third?

    That’s a good question. Probably nothing. Doubtful they even have books in Spanish.

  21. German is the most common outside of those two here. Makes sense, I’m in the area where BMW’s plant is so they have a lot of German companies and people here

  22. I don’t think there’s a single non-english book in book stores near me

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