Gf broke up with me for second time. We both had issues she had issues i had issues. We got together again after she broke up with me before because of her insecurities to have relanshionship in the past. I did not really trusted her at the begining but i thought after a while and after we talked about it i will get to the point of trusting her. She is very sensitive to critism and kind of distrust from her partner. I felt like she wasnt putting enough effort like she promised. She told me “i will earn your trust again”. She responded with one word or few words to my text messages or not at all. To me it was like disinterest or something. So i told her ,she told me she is just bad at texting and she promised to change this. She did not. It got even worse. Maybe i have made her self counsious about it and she felt pressured to write because it will not be enough. The spiral of doubt after this was growing and i was hurt and even angry that her best female friend was on her stories,where they were kissing each other like bisexual couple on the lips and she was kissing only her not any other friend. I already knew this was just “friendly kissing” but she have this saved as “only her” on stories, and have multiple photos of them looking like lesbian couple.So i told her this need to change i did not trust her becasue of past. She got angry because i dont trust her and felt like iam just looking at negative and not important things and dont see the positive things she do,and that she really tries. She explained to me it was nothing just friendly kisses again but i could not help myself and be bothered by it. So we got into fight because i felt my issues with her are not imporant. I felt she did not respect me.She ignored me for like a week until last night when i told her why i was angry and stuff she told me “you are losing me,i am building a wall between you and me, you dont trust me and you dont love me for who iam.I always feel like when we talk iam pressured,and then i think about it all day long and i cant even talk to you because aim afraid you will be unhappy with something,i think all day long just why iam bad again,i go to work and drink so i dont have to think about why you crisize me,doubt me.” I was scored to lose her so i even created some story why i acted mad,like i told her things like it not your mistake,i had bad day i will change,trust you to just dont lose her,so she will not feel bad which i really should not do,i disrespected myself. it was never enough and trustfull for me “iam just bad at texting then she writed with someone even when we are out wit her friend who she was kissing,we are just friends”. It was like only few weeks that we got back together and she promised she will earn my trust. But then when i did not trust her that fast she felt “that i do not lover her for being herself and that i try to change her”. What do you think about this situation ? Should i act differently ? Whenever i had issue with she cried heavily, than hang up on phone or something and then said “nobody trust me again i just hurt everybody around me, i think we need to breakup even when i love ya and i always apologised. Was she really that sensitive ? I dunno

1 comment
  1. Bro I read this all, and hear is what I have to say.

    First, I want you to move on. When you said she had issues, that should have been an indicator that you shouldn’t have considered taking her back. Reading this, I got no proof how she even earned the right to be with you again, because it sounds like she repeated the same issues the first time around. I have a lot of questions for you, and I want to help you the best I can. Respond back or we can hit the DM

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