Calling all women: I was talking about this with a coworker who has a similar issue but we cant find a single article or topic discussing the same issue.

We both have difficulty with having penetrative sex (usually experience a lot of pain depending on the position) but during the times where its successful, as long as we’re stimulating ourselves during penetration we are able to have an orgasm but we’re barely able to feel it. Its almost as if our muscles cant really focus on too many sensations and cant contract but we are consciously aware we’re having an orgasm. If we are just doing stuff like oral/touching ourselves the orgasms are great and normal but during penetration its a 2/10 on being able to feel it. Does anyone else have a similar issue or advice on why this is happening?

We both also have PCOS if that adds any important info.

  1. Maybe the penis keeps the muscles from contracting all the way like when you are empty.

  2. Check out these few things and see if maybe you relate? (Sexual anhedonia) Sexual anhedonia, also known as pleasure dissociative orgasmic disorder, is a condition in which an individual cannot feel pleasure (see anhedonia) from an orgasm. It is thought to be a variant of hypoactive sexual desire disorder. Or

    Anorgasmia is delayed, infrequent or absent orgasms — or significantly less-intense orgasms — after sexual arousal and adequate sexual stimulation. Women who have problems with orgasms and who feel significant distress about those problems may be diagnosed with anorgasmia.

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