So a long time ago, back when I actually had some type of confidence. I was able to strike up a conversation with a girl. Now that I’m older (27) it’s like I’m afraid of woman. I feel really let down. I know I could find an awesome person. Looking at a lot of my peers who have children and have moved on with their lives, it’s a lonely thing. Maybe someday I’ll find love.. <3<3<3 Hope everyone finds the one!

  1. You’ve got this man, I’m 30 and confidence has shifted up and down since 25, at the lows, I felt like I’d be like that the rest of my life. The highs on the other hand, lead to some really good times. Put yourself out there, pick a new store, restaurant, bar, or park to spend some free time, you never know who you’ll meet. Right now I’m making new friends being a regular at small bar. Dating apps aren’t my thing, but I’ve heard they help a lot of people meet. I’m better in person

  2. I’m 33 and I’ve had one relationship. If anyone is left behind, then it’s me.

    Then again, I’ve given up on dating. Since I’ve realised that relationships aren’t for me, it feels like a weight has lifted off my shoulders. It feels great tbh.

  3. Its a massive social problem since i think about 10 years. You are sadly not in a special situation its just how it is right now.

  4. That’s totally normal. You’re not behind. You don’t need to be afraid of women, though.

  5. > back when I actually had some type of confidence

    Get it back homie, you need confidence to drive you forward in life, not just in women.

  6. It’s normal to have highs and lows in your confidence. It’s also quite scary to put yourself out there. You should try doing it again and it will get easier after a few times!

    I’d like to add that you’re not being left behind. There’s a good quote that says comparison is the thief of joy, or something to that extent. It’s really true. There will always be people ahead of you and behind you in different areas of your life. As hard as it is, try to just focus on growing yourself (put yourself out of your comfort zone) and things will look up again, I promise!

  7. 27 is still SO young. You’re three years away from 30 and 30 is so young still!!! Just because your peers appear to have it together, doesn’t mean they do. You’re okay. Everyone has a different path.❤️

  8. That’s perfectly okay. The less the better in my opinion because you don’t wanna get scarred or jaded from hooking up randomly.

  9. Being afraid of women is maladjusted. You should be terrified. But, don’t let that stop you. No one here gets out alive.

  10. 30 and on my 3rd relationship. First two were abusive, current one is great.

  11. Quality over quantity. The current world of “dating” is possibly the most complex issue of humanity. Forget about that aspect of meeting women… for a while. When you least expect it, something special might happen. Making your own best life is the goal. Wanting to share that with someone is a bonus.

    “Life goes by fast. Pay attention or you might miss something”, Ferris Bueller

  12. It’s not a contest. Fewer dating experiences _may_ mean less experience but it also means less baggage.

  13. We all take our own pace with things 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ I didn’t even have my first kiss till 18 while some people I knew had kids already

  14. Hi! Fellow 27 and I have no long term dating experience. So, maybe there’s actually a group of us getting left behind together and it will be okay? 🙂

  15. Wait – you don’t have massive baggage and haven’t become embittered and you don’t have several babies around town?? Hmm…I donnoooo…🤔🤔

    You’re good, dude.

  16. I (29M) had several casual and serious things. Can tell from experience you shouldn’t compare to others. Lots of (insecure) people exaggerate numbers.

    You’re good as a 27M with 3 women. I have some friends and acquaintances around 30 who have never dated, are a virgin, only had one relationship etc. It’s more common than you think, neither should you compare yourself to others, that will only bring you down.

  17. Your doing a lot better than lots of guys out there. Hell if I didn’t have an alcoholic and drug phase, I would still probably be at one or non.

  18. Try IRL dating events, don’t overlook the value of “How’s your day going?”, Fail until you don’t

  19. 3 by 27 isn’t bad at all dude. What you need to do is improve your confidence and stop feeling “left behind”. Left behind implies you failed something or aren’t up to speed with your peers. I promise you that a big chunk of men under 30 face the same problem but it takes time for you to grow into the man you want to be. You CANNNOT rush the process.

  20. Not at all. If you were happy in those relationships and have good memories then you’re probably better off than those that went through numerous one night stands and short flings.

  21. I am nearly 33 but this reminds me of the kind of thing I might have said age 27. Can I ask for some clarification though?

    What does “dated 3 women” mean? Does it mean you’ve been in three relationships, you’ve been one some dates with three women, you’ve had sex with three women?

  22. You’re exactly where you’re supposed to be. Don’t play the compare and despair game.

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