I feel it’s one of the more commonly-used apps, but does it actually have the ability to find a meaningful connection, or are most people on the app there for other reasons? What are your experiences like?

  1. Like any other app, it’s a good way to meet new people. But a connection? No, you build that in real life.

    It’s the same as asking about anywhere you could meet someone new: is a bar actually able to give you a connection with someone?

  2. Sure, but it’s down to the user to make it happen. Tinder is overtly looks-based and stacks the deck in favor of its most attractive users. If that’s not you, or if you’re looking for something other than just the hottest available hookup you can get, you’re going to be working against the app to an extent. Paying attention to people’s profiles, making yours interesting, and putting effort into the conversations you start will help, and that’s true whether you’re trying to meet people there, on OkCupid, or in real life.

  3. My husband’s sister met her boyfriend through Tinder. They have a kid and bought a house now. So yeah, I think it can work for some people.

  4. I met my boyfriend of 3 years on tinder 🤷‍♀️ I was actually able to form a few meaningful connections via tinder over the years. I don’t think you can generalize it like that, people use the app with lots of different intentions. Some people are looking for meaningful connections, some are not, some are okay with whatever happens

  5. It works to know people, but its not good for connections, its not organic, like when you know someone in real life you know some good and bad things

  6. Tinder is just a way to meet people. For me, it’s a way to meet more attractive single people than I run into in my day-to-day life. Nothing more and nothing less. You still have to figure out how to connect with those people like anyone else in life. Building a connection with a complete stranger is not inherently easy.

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