What was your reaction when your ex was getting/got married?

  1. I have zero clue what any of my ex’s are up to these days.
    No contact is the best way for me.

    If I found out any of them were married etc… I’d either be indifferent or happy for them. None of them are people I’m interested to know about.

  2. Shocked, because he was a total piece of shit and I felt awful for the person marrying him lol

  3. Mainly vague disinterest. Internal “that’s nice for them” and then continuing to move on with my life without thinking about them at all. No fucks given.

  4. Happy for them, I attended my ex’s wedding. Turns out he was and is a better friend than he was partner. Still friends 12 years after breaking up.

  5. I hoped that she wanted the exact same things he wanted, because he didn’t really understand compromise. And I don’t look at their social media or posts our mutual friends made about it

  6. The first one of my exes married very recently and I’m happy for her. She always said she wanted to be married and a mum before she turned 30.

  7. I went no contact so I have no idea what my ex is doing. He could be dead. He could be married with 5 kids. I truly do not care.

  8. My ex is still single.
    Apparently he has issues making it past the 1st date.
    I was with him for a few years 😑

    At this point I would sing hallelujah if he got married because surely I can’t be the only person who stayed with him past 1st date 🙈

  9. I don’t talk to or look up my exes so I have no idea which ones are married, with a few exceptions when other people told me. My reaction was generally feeling bad for whatever poor soul would marry that asshole.

  10. I was furious.

    Not only was the new wife already pregnant, but our 8 year old son didn’t even know the new wife existed until 3 weeks before the wedding. (Neither did I, but it’s not my business). They didn’t live together yet either.

    So inside a month my son got a new room in a new house, a new stepmom, and a new sister on the way. It fucked him up for a while.

  11. Relief. It gave me a good reason to forget about him because I would never entertain the idea of getting together with a married man.

  12. One of my exes whom I was madly in love with I was told was married (we didn’t talk for 7 years), I had nightmares about it, wondered if he’d invite me but doubted it, etc. We bumped in to each other and hung out for a while. He didn’t get married. We’re supposed to have lunch soon. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

  13. Mostly indifferent but I guess also happy for him. Biggest feeling was relief that it wasn’t me marrying him because that relationship was exhausting.

  14. I guess not being interested in your friend was a downright LIE.

  15. Super happy for him but, personally, a bit jealous because I have been with my fiancé for 9 years and we are yet to get married and they got married after a year.

  16. He proposed to a girl he met two months after he dumped me…and 9 months after he met her. We were together for 6 years. So honestly I felt a lot of disbelief and I felt so damn insignificant.

  17. One of my exes is a good friend of mine and my husbands. When he got engaged I was surprised that I felt really weird about it. Not sad necessarily but just strange. I was a bit off for a couple of days and was then completely 100% fine and happy for him. No idea why I had that weird emotional reaction.

    Another ex who I’m acquainted with recently told me he’s engaged and I was surprised and that’s pretty much it.

  18. With nonchalance. Good for them. Though I feel bad for my most recent ex’s now girlfriend. :/ I hope she’s okay, I know how awful he was to me.

  19. The only reason why I know what town my ex lives in is because we have two adult children. When I heard she had remarried I had two thoughts: Hurray that she won’t be contacting me anymore, and poor guy. He doesn’t know what he’s getting into

  20. At first I was angry. We were together for 7 years, we broke up 4 months before our wedding. I found out a month later that he was cheating on me and the other girl, who was 18, was already pregnant. I was 27 at that time, and he was 37, just for clarification. He ended up marrying her when she was like 8 months pregnant, which was like a month or two after our wedding date. I got over it eventually. Just recently found out they divorced and now he’s engaged to someone else. That was 10 years ago

  21. I didn’t have any idea of him getting married until he had a kid.

    I got betrayed rather than having mutual breakup. So, I cried when I came to know it.

    He approached me on social media and said about his marriage later. He felt kinda sad for leaving.

  22. Hasn’t happened yet but I’m kinda dreading it because I know that it will hurt me – even though I don’t even love them anymore and don’t miss them in my life.

    I guess I know that it will make me feel like the “loser”. That he’ll be the one married with a perfect life and I’ll still be a single spinster. Makes me feel like a fool. Really not looking forward to the day I end up coming across pictures of him having his perfect wedding and bride.

    I think it’s also resentment because he treated me so bad. It feels unfair that he should get his happily ever after so easily while I get left behind.

  23. Id kill for my ex husband (who I share a child with) to get married to a good woman.

    The rest of the exes, I have no idea what they are up to with their lives. If I did, it means we’ve been friends all this time and I’d be stoked for them and probably at their wedding with my man.

  24. None of my exes are married that I know of, but my first boyfriend and I were together for 4 years (19-23) and we were both on the same page that we didn’t want kids. I still don’t have any and now he has two with the woman he cheated on me with.

    I don’t really feel much about it, except slightly satisfied because every photo I’ve seen him in since (granted, there haven’t been many), he looks miserable. His family also truly despite the “new” (it’s been nearly a decade at this point) woman and much preferred me. I heard that directly from them. That was a nice bit of validation.

  25. My Ex married the girl he was cheating on me with. They both deserve each other IMO.

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