What’s your biggest regret?

  1. Not standing up for myself when I should have. I let others take advantage of me and dismissed my own needs to keep the peace. But I learned a valuable lesson from that experience: embracing my voice, even if it’s uncomfortable, reminds me that my opinions and feelings are valid.

  2. Accepting everything my partner had put me through. Truly my one and only regret since I’m someone who tend to not focus on having any but first time I do.

  3. That I ever went on that first date with the ex who sexually assaulted me many times over and I still had put his needs/desires over mine, because I didn’t realize it was assault. I knew he was abusive, but I put up with his BS because he was “worse off than I was”. I think he’s the only person in the world I genuinely hate rather than just strongly dislike.

  4. Giving someone a second chance who didn’t deserve it. I should’ve trusted my gut instinct instead I paid the price.

  5. Not accepting a nannying position offered to me in a cool city state after I got my Associates degree, because my boyfriend cried at the prospect of living 2 states away from me.

  6. Marrying my first husband even though he cheated on me before we got married. Many years of abuse and almost dying from it ruined me. I could have done so much better and have done better now. I just wish I could have done without all the pain and losing everything I had to a tiny little man who is nothing but wasted space.

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