What are things men like to hear? What is something they get as a compliment but ends up coming off wrong?

  1. Don’t know how to not sound flirtatious if you comment on appearances, so I can’t comment on that. But what I would like to hear are affirmations for something you can see that I’m trying to be.

    Am I always making jokes to cheer you or others up? Tell me you appreciate my humour.

    Am I checking in on you or others when they look down? Tell me you like my attentiveness.

    Do you always see me studying or hear me talking about my goals? Tell me you’re motivated by my efforts and resolve.


  2. The real question is, how to compliment men without them thinking that I’m hitting on them?
    Honestly, it makes it awkward to compliment guys because of this.
    Like I’m glad you feel good listening to that but no sir I don’t have a crush on you

  3. A lot of guys would appreciate to hear they’re handsome. Don’t think it is said enough

  4. No offence. I don’t care about words coming from a woman. Whether it’s an insult of a compliment one always have to add “for now” at the end of it. As her opinion is fleeting and she’s bound to change their mind over a much shorter time span than men do. But, that being said. If you really want to make a compliment that strikes home. Support me in my mission, show through your actions that you care and do that, because you want to.

  5. I don’t know how to receive one but, maybe just sing a song or do a flash mob

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