No wrong answers 🙂

  1. I don’t know if simply having a girlfriend would actually make me happy, but I’d like to find out.

    A box of donuts would definitely brighten my day, though.

  2. Not having to study and i’d be satisfied. Won’t be greedy and ask for more 🙂

  3. I’d say about 100k would do it. It’d pay off a lot of things to make life easier, but still leave enough drive to keep working for more to improve.

    Yes, in today’s economic climate, a bit of money is all it would take to be happier. Pretty much already have everything else I need.

  4. I’d be pretty set for the rest of the year with only 10k.

    Maybe a nice coffee and a burrito as well.

  5. Enmeshment, huh? *sigh* That explains a lot.

    TFW you realize your parents should really go to therapy. Your grandparents are dead, but they should still go to therapy. The unease I felt when people remarked on how emotionally intelligent I was because that was a subtle hint that I would need to use those skills in ways that were none of my responsibility. No wonder people got weirded out by me. No wonder I took offense…

    I don’t need anything to be happy right now. Emotional intelligence may be a gift, but I am not *supposed* to be THAT adept. I lack the formal knowledge to use that skill responsibly because I didn’t learn it responsibly. Because my parents should really go to therapy.

    They are good people and I love them dearly, but holy shit do I need to set boundaries on how I express that love, any love, for my own good. *sorry friends, I didn’t know*

  6. A nice bottle of whisky would be amazing right now. Not to get drunk, just for the taste

  7. I’ve not wanted anything for at least 10 years and it’s frustrating because I would like to have something to aim for, I’m not rich, I work and have a mortgage etc but recently I’ve had the desire for a Porsche 911 GT or a Jaguar F-type. They’re both unobtainable because as my late father once said and I quote ‘when I found I had the money to buy a Jaguar, I realised I couldn’t afford to keep a Jaguar’.

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