20M hi everyone so I went on two dates with a girl I met on hinge. First date was good convo and playful banter ending with a hug. Second date just two days later was also good BUT I didn’t exactly escalate any further than the first date.

We’re actually now going to the gym together and also playing basketball since those are probably our closest hobbies but I find escalating a lot more difficult e.g. holding hands/going for the kiss.

should i just wait for the next date or is like post gym moves ok here lol

I think we

  1. Given that she already went on a date with you it means that she likes you. You can do a move post gym. Escalating is only a problem when she doesn’t like you, if she does it is welcomed.

  2. I would recommend some physical contact, and see if she try to start sonething, after that some eye contact

    In other words keep an eye on every no verval interaction

  3. Careful now, you’re getting into the friendzone. Cause you were too scared to escalate and move things further. You could’ve escalated and kissed her on the second date. Now she started doing friendly activities with you without anything romantic or sexual since you seemed too weak to go for what you want.

    Next time when you see her, start escalating from the get go. Start with some light touch on the shoulder, arms. Then her back and also waist. But don’t be a creep, if you feel like she doesn’t want to be touched, you need to back off. Anyway, continue escalating further until you start getting really close. Than you gotta go for the kiss. Either you do this, or became her gay male girlfiend.

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