What’s your reaction to a server who is pressuring you to tip?

  1. There’s no tipping culture where I live.. and if I’m pressured into giving a tip – it immediately eliminates every possibility of me giving a tip, even if I considered doing it.

  2. Here where i live servers have salary like any other worker so tipping is for extra/ unique service. I’d politely say i won’t tip.

  3. We don’t tip in NZ like in the US, so if someone wants a tip they’d better be beyond exceptional.

    If they are pushing for a tip, they’ll get a complaint instead.

  4. if you live in one of those US states where it’s somehow legal to pay servers 2 or 3$, and tips are expected to make up the rest of their wages, you should maybe take a look at yourself.

    but if you don’t? eh.

  5. Genuinely curious about how often this happens. I’ve worked for tips for 8 years, and every business I’ve worked for has had a clear and firm policy against soliciting tips. For obvious reasons, management doesn’t want guests to feel pressured into paying anyone money (I mean, unless you’re buying their overpriced food, I guess). And me trying to cajole someone into tipping me more than they’d normally tip seems like it’s just an easy way for me to get fired, in exchange for not much more money.

  6. *shows him empty wallet, proceeds to tell his supervisor*

    Yes I’m going Karen if someone pushes me to pay more

  7. ‘You’re not getting a tip from me sorry’ even if I’m in America im not tipping, I’d rather people kick up about it and get paid more instead of having to rely on other people tipping them that’s a joke imo, I’ll tip if I love the service but you’re not getting money out of me for doing a job your boss should be paying you for sorry

  8. I’m south american, I know how to tell people to fuck off so no, just treat me right enough and you’ll get your tip. I have an inmense respect for waiters, don’t bastardize your profession.

  9. Luckily I live in a country where tipping isn’t the norm or really expected. I sometimes tip a tiny amount by rounding things up to the nearest multiple of €5, *if* the service was really oustanding.

    If they would start to pressure me to tip, I would most certainly not give a cent extra no matter how good the service was until that point, I would never visit the restaurant again and I would inform the server about this before leaving. FUCK. THAT. SHIT.

  10. I have a % of tipping and it ranges from no service/shitty service to good service when dining in. I always feel obligated to tip so it’s at least 5% and depending where I’m at, not often but tip can go up to 50% for good service. I tip more if I’m a regular, know the owners, workers and chef.

    Other than that I wouldn’t care if I go to some place that gives me shitty service and demands tip. Especially if I get food togo, i’ll immediately hit that 0 tip on their scammy ipad screen. Only way i’ll tip during togo is if workers are nice, I paid in cash so I’ll give them the leftover coins

  11. I never in my life have felt pressured to tip. I’m in the U.S. You’re an adult bro there’s no way you feel pressured to tip.

  12. Tipping is just optional in my country, so someone pressuring me to tip gets nothing.

  13. I live in EU, and even tho tips are not expected here same way as they are in US, it is still a thing, but as soon as I see someone expecting tips like it’s a must – I ain’t giving a cent to that mf

  14. If I was pressured into giving a tip I wouldn’t be as quick to tip or generous on tipping
    The best servers I’ve had didn’t ask for any tips

  15. Servers rarely need to pressure for a tip in America. We’ve been through conditioned to subsidize our waiters wages

  16. If you try to pressure a tip that tio turns into 0$ if you say no tip needed I’ll probably tip you more. Alot of times I’ll only tip 2-5$ because 90% of places around here make you wait 2 hours to get the bill or wait 30min to get a water refill when you are the only damn person in there. I always tio 5-7$ for barbers though

  17. I’ve had a handful of taxi drivers and bartenders complain when they see I tip them less than 15% (sorry, I’m not giving you more than $1 for a can of beer, and I’m not giving you an automatic 22% for driving me to the airport).

    All of them had to hand over the tip I gave them, so they then got no tip at all.

  18. Tipping culture where I am isn’t nearly as bad as in the States. That said I normally do still tip if the service is good. If I feel at all pressured to tip they get none.

  19. If you’re a cashier at a counter service restaurant or concession stand, whose only act of service with my meal is handing me the tray with a mass produced food item, that’s not tippable. Though I make an exception and tip 10 percent if the counter staff are volunteers working to support some nonprofit, like at a major league sporting event.

  20. I hate the “entitled tip culture.” If your just pouring coffee in a cup I’m not paying an extra 20%. Nor do I want to donate at the kiosk.

    If I’m at a restaurant and have an attentive waitress or waiter I will tip above & beyond.

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