So this is kind of embarrassing but I (22m) have absolutely no experience in relationships and I’m a virgin but my gf isn’t. I’m kind of grossed out knowing she had sex with other guys and it’s just a huge turn off for me so I never agree to have sex with her although she has tried to initiate. I still want to be in a relationship with her just never kiss or have sex with her and she needs to tell my parents she’s a virgin because my parents will get extremely judgmental and mad at me if I date a girl that’s had sex with another guy. And it’s just embarrassing

The thing is she keeps trying to have sex with me and we’ve been dating for 6 months and it’s getting annoying . My parents will think I’m gay if I never have a gf so I need her but I’m too grossed out by her to have sex.

  1. How would you feel if you had more experience than your girlfriend, and she was too grossed out to have sex with you but still wanted to continue the relationship?

  2. You are definitely not ready for a relationship. You need to break up with her as it is going to happen sooner or later and it is unfair to her to continue.

  3. There’s only 2 paragraphs here, and yet you say you’re grossed out twice, that she turns you off and that you ‘need her’ to convince your parents you’re not gay.
    That’s gross dude, you’re using her, stringing her along and judging her for having had sex. Please, for her sake, end this so she can find a guy who isn’t insecure, exploitative and mean.
    You shouldn’t be embarrassed about being a virgin with a more experienced gf, you should be ashamed of being a dick.

  4. Break up with her that’s all there’s is to do the fact that she has had sex before will never change if it grosses you out so bad let her go and look for another virgin to be with.

  5. Sounds like your brain was ruined by religious nutbag parents. There is nothing gross about sex. Women aren’t tainted for having it. You need to break up with this poor girl who deserves a BF who isn’t riddled with neurotic religious brainwashing. Then you need to go to a therapist and break away from your parents so you have the chance to live a life that isn’t saddled with guilt and shame and disgust for sex.

  6. Therapy might help you get over your completely unrealistic and sex-negative attitudes and twisted values.

  7. If you can’t understand and accept that someone might have a sexual history before you, then I’m sorry but you’re not mature enough to be in a relationship and you should let her go and find someone that’s willing to fully accept her, past and all.

  8. “Hi so-and-so’s parents, nice to meet you! I have had X number of sex partners.” – Nobody

    In the extreme off-chance this is a real post you need to grow up a ton before you try to have another relationship.

  9. You’re 22. You need to stop letting your parents have so much influence over your sex life.

  10. The best thing to do would be to stop stringing
    your gf along as she clearly likes and wants sex and you clearly are not ready for a relationship or sex. She is not a suit of armor for you to shield you from your parents gaze. She is a human being and you are not treating her like one

  11. If youre grossed out with your gf she shouldn’t be your gf. It means you haven’t worked through the things society has trained you to believe, that sex is dirty or sinful. Also, why do you care if your parents think you’re gay? It is none of their business, and thats their problem

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