21M here, i just finished my college and during my college days i had a crush on a girl and near the end of the final semester somehow managed to talk to her and exchanged numbers. I always intialise the convo online and it just falls flat after 10 minutes and i don’t know what to talk about. any advice?

  1. Ask her about things she likes, for example if she likes books then ask about her fav book and maybe you could read it so u can talk to her about it

  2. In my experience, if the online convo falls flat, so will in person conversation probably. Not saying it’s not meant to be, but if she’s not reciprocating it’s a bad sign. Knowing when to leave some space is also important.

    My suggestion if you intend to keep contact: try and hang out with her. If this is too much for the relationship, it’s okay to move on. You won’t build any meaningful relationship from online conversations (at least at first, considering I get that you two barely know each other at this phase).

  3. Stop conversing online. Set up a date.

    Take her out for coffee and a stroll or drinks. One hour or so…not a lot of money spent. See if you have chemistry. If so, next date invite her for dinner to your place or maybe hers. Escalate. Go for intimacy…talking for hours is for girlfriends, not men. If you want to avoid the friendzone you must take charge and escalate. If she’s not into it, fine. Move on and find another.

  4. Ask her out for lunch or dinner at least once. Maybe the conversation will flow a different way in person ? I think it’s worth a shot.

  5. Idk you dont really have to talk to this person everyday especially if you dont see each other in person frequently

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